apacblocks / registration

Temporary registration for apacblocks members while blockchain is being built
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Problem: Members cannot vote on potential presentations #53

Open samuelralak opened 4 years ago

samuelralak commented 4 years ago

Solution: Allow members to vote on potential presentations using the same ELO ranking as blockrazor uses for rating wallets etc

samuelralak commented 4 years ago

@gazhayes am trying to implement EloRatings for the presentations. I am following through code on both Emurpas and Blockrazor; however, am finding it a bit challenging. As embarrassing as this may sound, I think its because I don't fully understand how Elo Rankings work, lol.

I would greatly appreciate an overview or an explanation on how its intended especially in the context of the current project 🙏 😅

gsovereignty commented 4 years ago

Ah ok, maybe I should do this one (and document it really well) then. The idea is to rank items based on comparisons of many people. It's actually a chess player ranking algorithm for ranking large numbers of chess players, but instead of a player winning or losing a match, potential presentations win or lose a member's vote.

samuelralak commented 4 years ago

aah I see. @gazhayes am going to unassign myself from this and leave it to you while I do a little reading. I'll probably check in again in about a day or two and if you would still need me to chip in then, I will be more than happy to do so 😁

samuelralak commented 4 years ago

@gazhayes am going to make a few cosmetic changes to the Project. Let me know of there's anything else that needs priority