apace100 / origins-classes

An add-on for the Origins mod which adds classes.
MIT License
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Unable to implement Origins: Classes as a dependency using Jitpack. #70

Open Clark919 opened 1 year ago

Clark919 commented 1 year ago

As the title suggests, implementing a Jitpack repository that points to any recent version of Origins Classes will fail to download the mod as a dependency.

gradle.properties relevant content:


(does not work with 1.4.0 as the parameter either)

build.gradle relevant content:

repositories {
       minecraft "com.mojang:minecraft:${project.minecraft_version}"
       maven {
        name = "Ladysnake Libs"
        url = 'https://ladysnake.jfrog.io/artifactory/mods'
    maven {
        url = 'https://maven.cafeteria.dev'
        content {
            includeGroup 'net.adriantodt.fabricmc'
    maven {
        url "https://maven.jamieswhiteshirt.com/libs-release"
        content {
            includeGroup "com.jamieswhiteshirt"
    maven {
        url "https://jitpack.io"
    maven {
        url "https://maven.shedaniel.me/"
    maven {
        url "https://maven.terraformersmc.com/"
dependencies {
       minecraft "com.mojang:minecraft:${project.minecraft_version}"
       mappings "net.fabricmc:yarn:${project.yarn_mappings}:v2"
       modImplementation "net.fabricmc:fabric-loader:${project.loader_version}"
       modImplementation "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:${project.fabric_version}"
       modImplementation "com.github.apace100:origins-fabric:${project.origins_version}"
       modImplementation "com.github.apace100:origins-classes:${project.classes_version}"

Expected: Origins: Classes is implemented as an external library for the mod.

Actual: An error log is produced:

A problem occurred configuring root project 'Project'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':modImplementation'.
   > Could not find com.github.apace100:origins-classes:v1.4.0.
     Searched in the following locations:
       - file:/C:/Users/user/Desktop/Project/.gradle/loom-cache/remapped_mods/com/github/apace100/origins-classes/v1.4.0/origins-classes-v1.4.0.pom
       - https://maven.fabricmc.net/com/github/apace100/origins-classes/v1.4.0/origins-classes-v1.4.0.pom
       - https://libraries.minecraft.net/com/github/apace100/origins-classes/v1.4.0/origins-classes-v1.4.0.pom
       - https://libraries.minecraft.net/com/github/apace100/origins-classes/v1.4.0/origins-classes-v1.4.0.jar
       - https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/com/github/apace100/origins-classes/v1.4.0/origins-classes-v1.4.0.pom
       - file:/C:/Users/user/.gradle/caches/fabric-loom/v1.4.0/origins-classes.jar
       - file:/C:/Users/user/Desktop/Project/.gradle/loom-cache/v1.4.0/origins-classes.jar
       - https://ladysnake.jfrog.io/artifactory/mods/com/github/apace100/origins-classes/v1.4.0/origins-classes-v1.4.0.pom
       - https://jitpack.io/com/github/apace100/origins-classes/v1.4.0/origins-classes-v1.4.0.pom
       - https://maven.shedaniel.me/com/github/apace100/origins-classes/v1.4.0/origins-classes-v1.4.0.pom
       - https://maven.terraformersmc.com/com/github/apace100/origins-classes/v1.4.0/origins-classes-v1.4.0.pom
     Required by:
         project :

Jitpack Latest Files (https://jitpack.io/#apace100/origins-classes): image

Jitpack Build Log (https://jitpack.io/com/github/apace100/origins-classes/v1.4.0/build.log)

I believe I've taken all the necessary steps to implement the mod as a library here. If I've done anything wrong please correct me so I can fix it. Cheers.

apace100 commented 1 year ago

Hi there! I hadn't yet added a jitpack.yml file to this repository, which is necessary to allow JitPack to build the source with the proper Java version. I did this now in this commit: d27b9c9

You should be able to use the short commit hash (d27b9c9) as the version for Origins: Classes in your build.gradle / gradle.properties. Keep in mind doing this the first time requests JitPack to start building that commit, so it will likely time out and then only work on your second or third try. Let me know if it works so I can close the issue. :)

Clark919 commented 1 year ago

Still unable to download, with the same errors as before (even after multiple attempts to build, this is visible on the Jitpack page also). I have tried both d27b9c9 and d27b9c9d6f42bda93ec5d8e0d01f40e9f48056aa as hashes for the version number.

apace100 commented 1 year ago

Ah, I see. Origins: Classes seems to reference Origins version 1.6.1, which had the same trouble building on JitPack. I committed a change to depend on 1.6.2 in 8faac98 - could you try that short commit hash as the version now?

Clark919 commented 1 year ago

Still no dice. Is there a specific version of Origins I should be adding as a dependency as well? I'm using v1.6.2 as the current version.

apace100 commented 1 year ago

I'm really sorry about this! As a temporary work-around, you can change the following dependency line in your build.gradle:

       modImplementation "com.github.apace100:origins-fabric:${project.origins_version}"


       modImplementation "com.github.eggohito:origins-fabric:${project.origins_version}"

And it should be able to fetch the dependencies then.