apace100 / origins-fabric

MIT License
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this f #349

Closed Foesbelike closed 9 months ago

Foesbelike commented 3 years ago

this flyfall or fallfly lib thing is causing a game crash with 1.17

Foesbelike commented 3 years ago

i need help and would appreciate support

Foesbelike commented 3 years ago

22:03:14.322 Preparing to launch minecraft client for fabric-loader-0.11.6-1.17 22:03:15.825 Checking installations. 22:03:15.840 Minecraft client fabric-loader-0.11.6-1.17 is ready to start. 22:03:15.840 Starting! 22:03:16.650 Using default game log configuration client-1.12.xml (outputs XML) 22:03:17.616 Loading for game Minecraft 1.17 22:03:17.926 The mod "libcd" contains invalid entries in its mod json:

apace100 commented 3 years ago

What you posted is not a crash report. There isn't really a way I can help here, unless you post an actual crash report. Either way, the library works in itself, so this is probably a conflict with one of the other mods you have installed.