apache / accumulo-proxy

Apache Accumulo Proxy
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 19 forks source link

Create tarball with scripts for running proxy. #5

Closed keith-turner closed 4 years ago

keith-turner commented 5 years ago

I think it would be useful if the build created a tarball containing at least the following items. This would make it easy for a user to run the proxy.

File Description
conf/proxy-env.sh Bash code that sets up the classpath with deps like accumulo
conf/proxy.properties Properties needed for Accumulo and the proxy
lib/accumulo2-proxy-1.0.0.jar The proxy java code
bin/accumulo-proxy A script that sources proxy-env.sh and then runs the proxy passing in proxy.properties

The source for the scripts and configuration could be placed in src/main/scripts and src/main/config in this repo.

keith-turner commented 5 years ago

The default proxy-env.sh could hopefully be as simple as follows.

CONF_DIR=$(readlink -f ./conf)

CLASSPATH="$CONF_DIR:$LIB_DIR/*:$(accumulo classpath)"

The accumulo-proxy script could do something like the following.


BIN_DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )

cd $BIN_DIR/..

. conf/env.sh

java org.apache.accumulo.proxy.Proxy conf/proxy.properties "${@}"

This is all untested, just trying to make this a little more concrete.

keith-turner commented 5 years ago

Actually building the tarball would be done via the maven assembly plugin. Accumulo and Fluo use this build their tarballs.

ctubbsii commented 5 years ago

A tarball would also include LICENSE/NOTICE/README files (just mentioning for completeness). And, should also contain the *.thrift files and instructions on how to generate language-specific bindings.

mikewalch commented 4 years ago

@mjwall, are you still working on this? If not, I would like to work on it.

mjwall commented 4 years ago

@mjwall, are you still working on this? If not, I would like to work on it.

Feel free @mikewalch