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Instrument Airflow with Opentracing/Opentelemetry #12771

Closed Etienne-Carriere closed 1 year ago

Etienne-Carriere commented 3 years ago


I would like to instrument airflow with tracing technology like Opentracing (https://opentracing.io/) / Opentelemetry (https://opentelemetry.io/)

Use case / motivation

The motivation are to :

Implementation ideas

For example, on Celery, we use celery signals to hook before and after each task (https://github.com/uber-common/opentracing-python-instrumentation/blob/master/opentracing_instrumentation/client_hooks/celery.py)

I am ok to contribute to the code but interested by some hints on where to look to .

boring-cyborg[bot] commented 3 years ago

Thanks for opening your first issue here! Be sure to follow the issue template!

mik-laj commented 3 years ago

How is Opentracing / Opentelemetry different from Sentry? We have native integration with Sentry and I wonder if we should combine these two features or develop it independently. http://apache-airflow-docs.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/apache-airflow/latest/logging-monitoring/errors.html

Etienne-Carriere commented 3 years ago

Hello @mik-laj , thank you for the link about sentry. It will helps to design a hook (in a first time in an external repo and perhaps merged in a second time) Opentracing/Opentelemetry is an open-source standard for APM (in the same level of sentry)

potiuk commented 3 years ago

Hello @Etienne-Carriere @mik-laj -> we started recently seeing those annoying logs in Airflow 2.0.

{opentelemetry_tracing.py:29} INFO - This service is instrumented using OpenTelemetry. OpenTelemetry could not be imported; please add opentelemetry-api and opentelemetry-instrumentation packages in order to get BigQuery Tracing data.

Is this something you know about ?

ashb commented 3 years ago

@potiuk Looks like it's from something BigQuery related.

ashb commented 3 years ago

I know @mjpieters was playing/hacking about with adding opentracing to Airflow too

potiuk commented 3 years ago

Yeah. It can likely be disabled by adding some custom logging configuration - possibly that's what we should do I think

ashb commented 3 years ago


potiuk commented 3 years ago

Added #13131

dm03514 commented 3 years ago

👍 For this feature.


I created a little test script to illustrate building a trace from a dag run:


Tracing is a different type of telemetry (alongside statsd and sentry). It provides a "Gantt" Chart view into a dag. Some tracing providers (like LIghtstep) provide advanced dashboarding and alerting.

The POC project above builds a trace by querying airflows database. I'm hoping that there is a way to add tracing support inside airflow so that when dags are being executed they can emit open telemetry traces!

With tracing each task span needs a reference to the global span and i'm not sure how easy / hard this is to share data across tasks?

Start the root span when the dagrun starts:

    root_span = tracer.start_span(

Start a task specific span when each task starts:

        ctx = trace.set_span_in_context(root_span)

        span = tracer.start_span(

       ... # invoke task

      span.end() # task is complete

Close the root span when all tasks are complete


def main(cli):
 dag = serialized_dag.SerializedDagModel.get(dag_id=cli.dag_id)
    dagrun = dag.dag.get_dagrun(execution_date=cli.execution_date)
    tis = dagrun.get_task_instances()

    root_span = tracer.start_span(

    for ti in tis:
        ctx = trace.set_span_in_context(root_span)

        span = tracer.start_span(
        span.set_attribute('airflow.state', ti.state)
        span.set_attribute('airflow.operation', ti.operator)
        if ti.job_id is not None:
            span.set_attribute('airflow.job_id', ti.job_id)
        if ti.state != 'success':
            span.set_attribute('error', True)

thank you!

mjpieters commented 3 years ago

Interesting little test; but note it generates a trace from the tasks after the fact without support for additional spans created inside each task invocation, and you the tracing context is not shared overy any RPC / REST / etc. calls to other services to inherit the tracing context.

I integrated Jaeger tracing (opentracing) support into a production Airflow setup using Celery. Specific challenges I had to overcome:

But, with that work in place, we now get traces in mostly real time, with full support for tracing contexts being shared with other services called from Airflow tasks. We can trace a job through the frontend, submitting a job to Airflow, then follow any calls from tasks to further REST APIs, all as one system.

I'd prefer it if the tracing context was not shoehorned into the dagrun configuration; I'd have created additional database tables or columns for this in the Airflow database model if I had to do this inside the Airflow project itself.

Note that I did not use the Celery task hooks here to track the task spans, because Celery has its own overhead that we wanted to keep separate. The opentracing_instrumentation already has Celery hooks you can use, but I needed the timings to be closer to the actual task invocation.

Anothing thing to consider is per-DAG or per-task tagging you want to add to the spans. For this project I needed to track specific data from the submitted DAG config so we can compare task runs using the same input configuration.

WattsInABox commented 3 years ago

@mjpieters can you share any of the code at all? I think I understand what you're saying but I think also I would be rediscovering problems you have already solved without the code.

mjpieters commented 3 years ago

@WattsInABox the code is part of a private project, and the majority is either project specific or specific to the jaeger_client implementation, neither of which apply here. E.g. the custom configuration section and how to close the client are tied very closely to the jaeger_client codebase, as is how you create a jaeger_client.span.Span() instance from scratch.

I can see about talking to the client about scrubbing the project-specific details from the code, however.

malthe commented 3 years ago

What's a good place to set up instrumentation and exporting in the various components: scheduler, webserver, workers - ?

potiuk commented 3 years ago

Indeed I think OpenTelemetry integration might be a good idea. I've heard (CC: @subashcanapathy) that Amazon has been very involved in OpenTelemetry, so maybe that's a possibility that somehow Amazon team can help with that?

aladinoss commented 3 years ago

@potiuk what do you think injecting this under theses modules ? airflow.hooks.base airflow.sensors.base airflow.models.baseoperator

aa3pankaj commented 2 years ago

@dm03514 thanks, i tried your test code, it is exporting spans successfully. But exporting spans directly from tasks would be much useful in terms of tracing different operations like hook execution, api calls etc.

@mjpieters I tried exporting span from a airflow task:

packages: apache-airflow==2.1.3 opentelemetry-api==1.9.1 opentelemetry-sdk==1.9.1 opentelemetry-exporter-otlp==1.9.1 opentelemetry-instrumentation==0.28b1

env variables related to opentelemetry: OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER=otlp OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:55680" OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES="service.name=test_airflow_worker" OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER="always_on"

Airflow task:

from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from opentelemetry import trace
from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.grpc.trace_exporter import OTLPSpanExporter
from opentelemetry.sdk.resources import Resource
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import BatchSpanProcessor

class TracingTestOperator(BaseOperator): 

    def execute(self, context):

        resource = Resource(attributes={
            "service.name": "test_airflow_worker"

        tracer = trace.get_tracer(__name__)

        otlp_exporter = OTLPSpanExporter(endpoint="http://localhost:55680", insecure=True)

        span_processor = BatchSpanProcessor(otlp_exporter)


        with tracer.start_as_current_span("test_task_span"):
            print("Hello Airflow!")

Above code is not exporting spans to the collector, even though collector (otlp) is up. Strangely, same code is exporting span successfully when I run it as standalone python (directly invoking execute method).

potiuk commented 2 years ago

We are just about to formalize all the open-telemetry experiences and proposal into an AIP (Airlfow Improvement Proposal). Stay tuned for a draft AIP proposal on that one.

aa3pankaj commented 2 years ago

sure, I would be happy to contribute in this.

mtraynham commented 2 years ago

I'm using OpenTelemetry with Celery on our worker processes, so maybe this will help.

We have a python module that hooks into the Celery worker processes directly via a Signal as suggested by the OpenTelemetry Celery docs.

For us to hook into Celery from Airflow, we have a Python module that re-exports Airflow's DEFAULT_CELERY_CONFIG, provided the environment variable AIRFLOW__CELERY__CELERY_CONFIG_OPTIONS. This helps us load our own module to inject the Celery signal when prior to the Celery app is being created. We then instrument the worker processes with whatever OpenTelemetry providers we need in a worker_process_init signal.


from airflow.config_templates.default_celery import DEFAULT_CELERY_CONFIG
from celery.signals import worker_process_init
from opentelemetry import trace
from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.grpc.trace_exporter import OTLPSpanExporter
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.flask import FlaskInstrumentor
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.grpc import GrpcInstrumentorClient
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.requests import RequestsInstrumentor
from opentelemetry.sdk.resources import Resource
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import sampling
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import SimpleSpanProcessor


@worker_process_init.connect(weak=False)  # type: ignore
def instrument_worker(*args: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> None:
    tracer_provider = TracerProvider(
        resource=Resource(attributes={'service.name': 'my-service'}),

Our worker process is then started with the following configuration option:


For parent context's when executing spans, we embed a OpenTelemetry trace ID into the DAG run configuration from whatever service is executing the DAG. Operators simply pull that trace ID out of the DAG run configuration and start their own trace contextmanager.

There is however two strange things that occur with this.

  1. We would have preferred using the BatchSpanProcessor as this runs in a separate thread queuing up spans, but it seems that not all the spans were being exported to our OTLP collector and records were missing. Using the SimpleSpanProcessor did not have that issue.
  2. The OTLPSpanExporter may cause the following errors below. I haven't been able to pin-point why that occurs, but the ConsoleSpanExporter does not suffer from that issue. It doesn't seem like any tasks are failing and largely this seems to occur on Workers that have no tasks being currently ran. Celery's worker_process_init is limited to a 4-second blocking call, so maybe it's a startup timing issue on the Worker process that causes it? I attempted to increase Celery's timeout (worker_proc_alive_timeout) there to something higher like 20 seconds and still saw the same issue though.

[2022-02-07 20:34:21,364: ERROR/MainProcess] Process 'ForkPoolWorker-32' pid:3506 exited with 'signal 11 (SIGSEGV)' [2022-02-07 20:34:21,421: ERROR/MainProcess] Task handler raised error: WorkerLostError('Worker exited prematurely: signal 11 (SIGSEGV) Job: 245.')

saritatewari4 commented 2 years ago

Hi ,

I want to trace dags status in open telemetry. I am not able to export traces on open telemetry collector. I hope @aa3pankaj also faced same issue.

Please let me know if any solution for this.


potiuk commented 2 years ago

See https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/AIP-49+OpenTelemetry+Support+for+Apache+Airflow - OpenTelemetry is not implemented in Airflow. There are some ways you can try to autoinstrument Airflow but it has limitations and you have to wait for the https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/AIP-49+OpenTelemetry+Support+for+Apache+Airflow to be completed (or maybe even contribute in implementing it once it is approved)

jasonmurphy1989 commented 1 year ago

Hi folks! Just curious: is there a way we could auto instrument Airflow through the use of cluster policies? For example, what if we created a task policy that a wraps the callback and execute methods of a task? The wrapper could perform actions similar to the Celery example above.

jasonmurphy1989 commented 1 year ago

I'm just mindful that our observability/telemetry concerns can be very specific. And that makes me worry that the generic opentelemetry framework outlined here may not fit all our needs. Either way, though, the changes proposed seem quite substantial and that makes me wonder if there's a more lightweight first step we can make in that direction.

Would love to hear folks' thoughts/feedback!

potiuk commented 1 year ago

Hi folks! Just curious: is there a way we could auto instrument Airflow through the use of cluster policies? For example, what if we created a task policy that a wraps the callback and execute methods of a task? The wrapper could perform actions similar to the Celery example above.

You could use cluster policies, yes. But also you have (in Airlfow 2.5.0) listeners that you could use for that purpose. https://airflow.apache.org/docs/apache-airflow/stable/listeners.html - they were designed for a different purpose, but I believe you can go a long way by utilising these two mechanisms if you think the "standard" approach of Airlfow will not be good enough for you. Airlow in it's "2" line (now at 2.5) is more and more "platform" that you can extend in various ways and we are approaching it in the way that you can write your own extensions by plugging in your code with well-defined APIs in the way that will allow you to customize it heavily, while relying on the fact that you will be able to upgrade Airflow without losing your customizations. We have a few documentation updates coming in 2.5.1 specifically targetting to make it clearer what you CAN and what you CAN't modify in this way. Both cluster policies and listeners are "public interface" of Airlow and you can utilize them for that purpose.

arodrber commented 1 year ago

@dm03514 thanks, i tried your test code, it is exporting spans successfully. But exporting spans directly from tasks would be much useful in terms of tracing different operations like hook execution, api calls etc.

@mjpieters I tried exporting span from a airflow task:

packages: apache-airflow==2.1.3 opentelemetry-api==1.9.1 opentelemetry-sdk==1.9.1 opentelemetry-exporter-otlp==1.9.1 opentelemetry-instrumentation==0.28b1

env variables related to opentelemetry: OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER=otlp OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:55680" OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES="service.name=test_airflow_worker" OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER="always_on"

Airflow task:

from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from opentelemetry import trace
from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.grpc.trace_exporter import OTLPSpanExporter
from opentelemetry.sdk.resources import Resource
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import BatchSpanProcessor

class TracingTestOperator(BaseOperator): 

    def execute(self, context):

        resource = Resource(attributes={
            "service.name": "test_airflow_worker"

        tracer = trace.get_tracer(__name__)

        otlp_exporter = OTLPSpanExporter(endpoint="http://localhost:55680", insecure=True)

        span_processor = BatchSpanProcessor(otlp_exporter)


        with tracer.start_as_current_span("test_task_span"):
            print("Hello Airflow!")

Above code is not exporting spans to the collector, even though collector (otlp) is up. Strangely, same code is exporting span successfully when I run it as standalone python (directly invoking execute method).

Hi @aa3pankaj , I have the same problem, did you manage to solve it?

saritatewari4 commented 1 year ago

Hello @arodrber, instead of BatchSpanProcessor try using SimpleSpanProcessor once.

potiuk commented 1 year ago

FYI. Suppport and POC on how to do the OpenTelemetry integration is already aproved https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/AIP-49+OpenTelemetry+Support+for+Apache+Airflow and @ferruzzi works on integration.

ferruzzi commented 1 year ago

Thanks for that update, sorry I didn't do it myself. :+1:

Current state, if anyone cares:

I have a Breeze dev environment that launches Otel-Collector, Prometheus, and Grafana and configures them all to communicate here. On the Airflow side, I have (I believe) metrics parity with StatsD working,m but it only prints the metrics to the console at the moment, I'm still sorting out why it won't emit them to Otel-Collector. But once I get that connection sorted out I THINK I have a working POC with full StatsD feature parity and the option to choose between them using Airflow config.

Once I have that working and verified, I'll put an email in the dev list and see if there are any metrics we'd like added while I'm in there, and start on implementing Spans.

I have been away on vacation for the last week-ish and just getting caught up a bit, but I expect to have the POC complete and published on Monday I hope, barring nay other unforeseen hurdles.

CodeIronChef commented 1 year ago

Thanks for that update, sorry I didn't do it myself. 👍

Current state, if anyone cares:

I have a Breeze dev environment that launches Otel-Collector, Prometheus, and Grafana and configures them all to communicate here. On the Airflow side, I have (I believe) metrics parity with StatsD working,m but it only prints the metrics to the console at the moment, I'm still sorting out why it won't emit them to Otel-Collector. But once I get that connection sorted out I THINK I have a working POC with full StatsD feature parity and the option to choose between them using Airflow config.

Once I have that working and verified, I'll put an email in the dev list and see if there are any metrics we'd like added while I'm in there, and start on implementing Spans.

I have been away on vacation for the last week-ish and just getting caught up a bit, but I expect to have the POC complete and published on Monday I hope, barring nay other unforeseen hurdles.

Hi @ferruzzi - were you able to publish the POC? Would love to see how you instrumented metrics. I am instrumenting OTEL in Airflow now, exporting to Google Cloud Trace for dashboarding. Thanks a bunch!

ferruzzi commented 1 year ago

Hey. I am still actively working on integrating OTel and have a few groundwork PRs merged. I am hoping to have a PR up to get all current StatsD Counters working next week.

ferruzzi commented 1 year ago

@CodeIronChef - This is the current state, if you want to see where I am at. It currently emits only Counters, and you can see and graph them in Grafana and all that, but calls them Gauges for some reason. Still definitely a WIP. I'm going to get that sorted out as far as why it thinks they are Gauges, the move on to implement actual Gauges and Timers.

monometa commented 1 year ago

@ferruzzi Hi, maybe you can tell me the current status of integration with airflow? anyway thanks for the input

ferruzzi commented 1 year ago

Airflow 2.7 will have full support for OTel metrics at feature parity with StatsD. Traces, Spans, and Logging are coming at a future date.

If you have a dev branch checked out, you can start playing with it now. Documentation (pre-release) is here.

There are a few known issues with missing metrics here if anyone has time and inclination to look into one.

nathadfield commented 1 year ago

@ferruzzi Given that Airflow 2.7 is now available, can we close this?

potiuk commented 1 year ago

IMHO I believe this is a beginning of the journey - we have now just metrics produced via OTEL but there is a lot more to it: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/AIP-49+OpenTelemetry+Support+for+Apache+Airflow (integrating OTEL metrics is just the first step of the first phase).. I am much more excited about Traces though , which is more what the issue is more about... But ssh ... there is a talk coming at Airflow Summit https://airflowsummit.org/sessions/2023/apache-airflow-and-opentelemetry/ ... so I guess we learn more then :D

nathadfield commented 1 year ago

@potiuk Totally agree. I guess I was just wondering if we still need to have this open given that there's now a platform to build on compared to when it was just a vague hope back when this was raised in Dec 2020. I'm sucker for trying to shrink backlogs!

ferruzzi commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I'm with @potiuk. At an absolute minimum, I think we need Traces implemented before we can consider this complete.

ferruzzi commented 1 year ago

There have been a few people asking about it already, I'm going to take some time to put together a Project/Issue with some subtasks in case anyone wants to take a small bite out of it. I'm going to be camping for the next two weeks, so it won't be until after that. As always, if someone else gets to it before that, that would be welcome.

eladkal commented 1 year ago

I think we should close this issue infavor of dedicated, well defined scoped tasks.

This issue speaks about motivation and possible solutions. We already have that covered with AIP-49. What we need is AIP-49 project to open relevant tasks with enough information so the community can start pick up tasks.

I believe this specific issue has no additional value at thia point

potiuk commented 1 year ago

Fine for me :). yeah. I agree it is superfluous.