apache / airflow

Apache Airflow - A platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows
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Missing states in task state lifecycle diagram #40185

Open pykenny opened 2 weeks ago

pykenny commented 2 weeks ago

What do you see as an issue?

In Core Concepts / Tasks / Task Instances section, diagram that explains task lifecycle is missing "skipped" and "deferred" states.

image image
There are 13 types of task instance state from description. But only 11 states are present in the lifecycle diagram.

Solving the problem

Adding "skipped" and "deferred" states to the diagram.

Anything else

No response

Are you willing to submit PR?

Code of Conduct

boring-cyborg[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for opening your first issue here! Be sure to follow the issue template! If you are willing to raise PR to address this issue please do so, no need to wait for approval.

sanskrutikhedkar9 commented 2 weeks ago

I am interested. Could you please assign this to me

potiuk commented 2 weeks ago
