apache / airflow

Apache Airflow - A platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows
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AIP-68 | Develop new UI plugins #42702

Open bbovenzi opened 1 week ago

bbovenzi commented 1 week ago

In an Airflow plugin appbuilder_views will be deprecated. They need to be replaced with react_views.

Fields to include when registering ui_views

  name: string, // plugin name
  type: 'react' | 'iframe', // is the plugin a react component or an iframe?
  title: string, // display name to show on buttons
  icon: string, // (optional) path to an icon file to display next to the title
  url_route: string, // (optional) what to display in the url route, defaults to the plugin name
  iframe_link: string // url of the page to load in an iframe
  src: string, // path to the react component as a built javascript bundle file
  location: string[] // where in the UI the component can live:
    // "nav" add as a top-level nav button
    // "dag" add as a tab in the DAG details view
    // "dag_run" add as a tab in the DAG details view but only for dag runs
    // "task" add as a tab in the DAG details view but only for that task instance
    // "dashboard" add a panel on the dashboard homepage
    // "wildcard" add to the BaseLayout component so that it can appear on any/all pages
  conditions: {key: value } // (optional) object of key/value pairs to match against the host page to determine if the plugin should mount (ex: only render for a certain operator or asset type)
  props: string[ ] // (optional) keys of properties to pass to the react component or iframe 

The plugins manager then needs to add the icon and component static files to be hosted by FastAPI. We can dynamically lazy load the components with lazy(() => import(/* @vite-ignore */ plugin.src) FastAPI will need a GET /plugins component to send all react-views data to the UI.

Other issues:

Other questions:

bbovenzi commented 2 days ago

POC of a react plugin on the Nav level:


I also used https://bolt.new/ as an AI to generate frontend code. I wonder if we can suggest similar tools to help developers who might not know frontend technologies well.