Open huangzx3 opened 2 years ago
The previous problem has been resolved, but the next problem has appeared
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271025 I | pkg/flags: recognized and used environment variable ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_STATE=existing
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271031 I | pkg/flags: recognized and used environment variable ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_TOKEN=etcd-cluster-k8s
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271045 I | pkg/flags: recognized and used environment variable ETCD_LISTEN_CLIENT_URLS=
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271055 I | pkg/flags: recognized and used environment variable ETCD_LISTEN_PEER_URLS=
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271063 I | pkg/flags: recognized and used environment variable ETCD_LOG_LEVEL=info
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271081 I | pkg/flags: recognized and used environment variable ETCD_NAME=apisix-1640071150-etcd-0
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271087 I | pkg/flags: recognized and used environment variable ETCD_PEER_AUTO_TLS=false
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271130 W | pkg/flags: unrecognized environment variable ETCD_TRUSTED_CA_FILE=
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271150 W | pkg/flags: unrecognized environment variable ETCD_ON_K8S=yes
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271162 W | pkg/flags: unrecognized environment variable ETCD_SNAPSHOTS_DIR=/snapshots
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271169 W | pkg/flags: unrecognized environment variable ETCD_BIN_DIR=/opt/bitnami/etcd/sbin
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271179 W | pkg/flags: unrecognized environment variable ETCD_VOLUME_DIR=/bitnami/etcd
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271187 W | pkg/flags: unrecognized environment variable ETCD_ROOT_PASSWORD=
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271192 W | pkg/flags: unrecognized environment variable ETCD_CLUSTER_DOMAIN=apisix-1640071150-etcd-headless.default.svc.cluster.local
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271196 W | pkg/flags: unrecognized environment variable ETCD_DISASTER_RECOVERY=no
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271201 W | pkg/flags: unrecognized environment variable ETCD_KEY_FILE=
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271208 W | pkg/flags: unrecognized environment variable ETCD_DAEMON_GROUP=etcd
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271212 W | pkg/flags: unrecognized environment variable ETCD_START_FROM_SNAPSHOT=no
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271219 W | pkg/flags: unrecognized environment variable ETCD_INIT_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME=
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271224 W | pkg/flags: unrecognized environment variable ETCD_INIT_SNAPSHOTS_DIR=/init-snapshot
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271231 W | pkg/flags: unrecognized environment variable ETCD_BASE_DIR=/opt/bitnami/etcd
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271240 W | pkg/flags: unrecognized environment variable ETCD_CERT_FILE=
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271244 W | pkg/flags: unrecognized environment variable ETCD_NEW_MEMBERS_ENV_FILE=/bitnami/etcd/data/new_member_envs
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271248 W | pkg/flags: unrecognized environment variable ETCD_DAEMON_USER=etcd
[WARNING] Deprecated '--logger=capnslog' flag is set; use '--logger=zap' flag instead
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271306 I | etcdmain: etcd Version: 3.4.16
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271315 I | etcdmain: Git SHA: d19fbe541
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271319 I | etcdmain: Go Version: go1.12.17
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271323 I | etcdmain: Go OS/Arch: linux/amd64
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271328 I | etcdmain: setting maximum number of CPUs to 2, total number of available CPUs is 2
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271388 W | etcdmain: found invalid file/dir new_member_envs under data dir /bitnami/etcd/data (Ignore this if you are upgrading etcd)
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271402 N | etcdmain: the server is already initialized as member before, starting as etcd member...
[WARNING] Deprecated '--logger=capnslog' flag is set; use '--logger=zap' flag instead
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271638 I | embed: name = apisix-1640071150-etcd-0
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271650 I | embed: data dir = /bitnami/etcd/data
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271655 I | embed: member dir = /bitnami/etcd/data/member
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271659 I | embed: heartbeat = 100ms
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271665 I | embed: election = 1000ms
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271669 I | embed: snapshot count = 100000
2021-12-21 10:30:35.271681 I | embed: advertise client URLs = http://apisix-1640071150-etcd-0.apisix-1640071150-etcd-headless.default.svc.cluster.local:2379
2021-12-21 10:30:35.274069 W | etcdserver: could not get cluster response from http://apisix-1640071150-etcd-1.apisix-1640071150-etcd-headless.default.svc.cluster.local:2380: Get http://apisix-1640071150-etcd-1.apisix-1640071150-etcd-headless.default.svc.cluster.local:2380/members: dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021-12-21 10:30:35.274939 W | etcdserver: could not get cluster response from http://apisix-1640071150-etcd-2.apisix-1640071150-etcd-headless.default.svc.cluster.local:2380: Get http://apisix-1640071150-etcd-2.apisix-1640071150-etcd-headless.default.svc.cluster.local:2380/members: dial tcp connect: connection refused
2021-12-21 10:30:35.275628 C | etcdmain: cannot fetch cluster info from peer urls: could not retrieve cluster information from the given URLs
I think this problem is not relevant to the APISIX, according to the error log, it's caused by the neworking issue, could you troubleshoot it firstly?
I think this problem is not relevant to the APISIX, according to the error log, it's caused by the neworking issue, could you troubleshoot it firstly?
Also, please provide more details about how you install APISIX and ETCD cluslter.
I think this problem is not relevant to the APISIX, according to the error log, it's caused by the neworking issue, could you troubleshoot it firstly?
[INFO] plugin/reload: Running configuration MD5 = db32ca3650231d74073ff4cf814959a7
linux/amd64, go1.14.4, f59c03d
[INFO] plugin/reload: Running configuration MD5 = db32ca3650231d74073ff4cf814959a7
linux/amd64, go1.14.4, f59c03d
i create APISIX just
helm install apisix/apisix
I created pvc manually
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: data-apisix-1640139056-etcd-0
namespace: default
uid: 2a64b5a6-193d-468d-8215-d69ff68a05c9
resourceVersion: '7222'
creationTimestamp: '2021-12-22T02:11:05Z'
labels: apisix-1640139056 etcd
- manager: kube-controller-manager
operation: Update
apiVersion: v1
time: '2021-12-22T02:11:05Z'
fieldsType: FieldsV1
.: {} {} {}
f:accessModes: {}
.: {}
f:storage: {}
f:volumeMode: {}
f:phase: {}
selfLink: >-
phase: Pending
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 20Gi
volumeMode: Filesystem
This should have something to do with the startup sequence of etcd. They depend on each other, which makes it impossible to start. I can only start one.
apisix-1640139056-7858dfffcf-8dc64 1/1 Running 0 57m
apisix-1640139056-etcd-0 1/1 Running 0 3m25s
3 etcd pods running , but always Back-off restarting failed container . please help