apache / apisix

The Cloud-Native API Gateway
Apache License 2.0
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bug: config.yaml problem #2786

Closed ziyou434 closed 3 years ago

ziyou434 commented 3 years ago

Issue description

I used configmap as config-default.yaml and it ran well. But I find the document forbid change config-default, so I change to mountPath: /usr/local/apisix/conf/config.yaml. There are some problems.

/usr/local/openresty/luajit/bin/luajit: /usr/bin/apisix:619: attempt to index local 'base' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
    /usr/bin/apisix:619: in function 'merge_conf'
    /usr/bin/apisix:616: in function 'merge_conf'
    /usr/bin/apisix:616: in function 'merge_conf'
    /usr/bin/apisix:660: in function 'read_yaml_conf'
    /usr/bin/apisix:826: in function </usr/bin/apisix:819>
    /usr/bin/apisix:1166: in main chunk
    [C]: at 0x00404c00

config.yaml(Hide sensitive information)

  node_listen: 9080              # APISIX listening port
  enable_admin: true
  enable_admin_cors: true         # Admin API support CORS response headers.
  enable_debug: false
  enable_dev_mode: false          # Sets nginx worker_processes to 1 if set to true
  enable_reuseport: true          # Enable nginx SO_REUSEPORT switch if set to true.
  enable_ipv6: true
  config_center: etcd             # etcd: use etcd to store the config value
                                  # yaml: fetch the config value from local yaml file `/your_path/conf/apisix.yaml`

  #proxy_protocol:                 # Proxy Protocol configuration
  #  listen_http_port: 9181        # The port with proxy protocol for http, it differs from node_listen and port_admin.
                                   # This port can only receive http request with proxy protocol, but node_listen & port_admin
                                   # can only receive http request. If you enable proxy protocol, you must use this port to
                                   # receive http request with proxy protocol
  #  listen_https_port: 9182       # The port with proxy protocol for https
  #  enable_tcp_pp: true           # Enable the proxy protocol for tcp proxy, it works for stream_proxy.tcp option
  #  enable_tcp_pp_to_upstream: true # Enables the proxy protocol to the upstream server

  enable_server_tokens: true       # Whether the APISIX version number should be shown in Server header.
                                   # It's enabled by default.

  proxy_cache:                     # Proxy Caching configuration
    cache_ttl: 10s                 # The default caching time if the upstream does not specify the cache time
    zones:                         # The parameters of a cache
    - name: disk_cache_one         # The name of the cache, administrator can be specify
                                   # which cache to use by name in the admin api
      memory_size: 50m             # The size of shared memory, it's used to store the cache index
      disk_size: 1G                # The size of disk, it's used to store the cache data
      disk_path: "/tmp/disk_cache_one" # The path to store the cache data
      cache_levels: "1:2"           # The hierarchy levels of a cache
  #  - name: disk_cache_two
  #    memory_size: 50m
  #    disk_size: 1G
  #    disk_path: "/tmp/disk_cache_two"
  #    cache_levels: "1:2"

  allow_admin:                  # http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_access_module.html#allow
    -              # If we don't set any IP list, then any IP access is allowed by default.
  #   - "::/64"
  # port_admin: 9180              # use a separate port
  # https_admin: true             # enable HTTPS when use a separate port for Admin API.
                                # Admin API will use conf/apisix_admin_api.crt and conf/apisix_admin_api.key as certificate.
  admin_api_mtls:               # Depends on `port_admin` and `https_admin`.
    admin_ssl_cert: ""             # Path of your self-signed server side cert.
    admin_ssl_cert_key: ""         # Path of your self-signed server side key.
    admin_ssl_ca_cert: ""          # Path of your self-signed ca cert.The CA is used to sign all admin api callers' certificates.

  # Default token when use API to call for Admin API.
  # *NOTE*: Highly recommended to modify this value to protect APISIX's Admin API.
  # Disabling this configuration item means that the Admin API does not
  # require any authentication.
      name: "admin"
      key: edd1c9f034335f136f87ad84b625c8f1
      role: admin                 # admin: manage all configuration data
                                  # viewer: only can view configuration data
      name: "viewer"
      key: 4054f7cf07e344346cd3f287985e76a2
      role: viewer

  delete_uri_tail_slash: false    # delete the '/' at the end of the URI
    http: 'radixtree_uri'         # radixtree_uri: match route by uri(base on radixtree)
                                  # radixtree_host_uri: match route by host + uri(base on radixtree)
    ssl: 'radixtree_sni'          # radixtree_sni: match route by SNI(base on radixtree)
  # stream_proxy:                 # TCP/UDP proxy
  #   tcp:                        # TCP proxy port list
  #     - 9100
  #     - 9101
  #   udp:                        # UDP proxy port list
  #     - 9200
  #     - 9211
  # dns_resolver:                   # If not set, read from `/etc/resolv.conf`
  #  -
  #  -
  dns_resolver_valid: 30          # valid time for dns result 30 seconds
  resolver_timeout: 5             # resolver timeout
    enable: true
    enable_http2: true
    listen_port: 9443
    # ssl_trusted_certificate: /path/to/ca-cert # Specifies a file path with trusted CA certificates in the PEM format
                                                # used to verify the certificate when APISIX needs to do SSL/TLS handshaking
                                                # with external services (e.g. etcd)
    ssl_protocols: "TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3"
    ssl_session_tickets: false              #  disable ssl_session_tickets by default for 'ssl_session_tickets' would make Perfect Forward Secrecy useless.
                                            #  ref: https://github.com/mozilla/server-side-tls/issues/135
    key_encrypt_salt: "edd1c9f0985e76a2"    #  If not set, will save origin ssl key into etcd.
                                            #  If set this, must be a string of length 16. And it will encrypt ssl key with AES-128-CBC
                                            #  !!! So do not change it after saving your ssl, it can't decrypt the ssl keys have be saved if you change !!
nginx_config:                     # config for render the template to genarate nginx.conf
  error_log: "/dev/stdout"
  error_log_level: "warn"         # warn,error
  worker_processes: auto          # one worker will get best performance, you can use "auto", but remember it is just work well only on physical machine
                                  # no more than 8 workers, otherwise competition between workers will consume a lot of resources
                                  # if you want use multiple cores in container, you can inject the number of cpu as environment variable "APISIX_WORKER_PROCESSES"
  enable_cpu_affinity: true       # enbale cpu affinity, this is just work well only on physical machine
  worker_rlimit_nofile: 20480     # the number of files a worker process can open, should be larger than worker_connections
  worker_shutdown_timeout: 240s     # timeout for a graceful shutdown of worker processes
    worker_connections: 10620
  #envs:                            # allow to get a list of environment variables
  #  - TEST_ENV
    access_log: "/dev/stdout"
    access_log_format: "$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] $http_host \"$request\" $status $body_bytes_sent $request_time \"$http_referer\" \"$http_user_agent\" $upstream_addr $upstream_status $upstream_response_time"
    access_log_format_escape: default       # allows setting json or default characters escaping in variables
    keepalive_timeout: 60s         # timeout during which a keep-alive client connection will stay open on the server side.
    client_header_timeout: 60s     # timeout for reading client request header, then 408 (Request Time-out) error is returned to the client
    client_body_timeout: 60s       # timeout for reading client request body, then 408 (Request Time-out) error is returned to the client
    client_max_body_size: 0        # The maximum allowed size of the client request body.
                                   # If exceeded, the 413 (Request Entity Too Large) error is returned to the client.
                                   # Note that unlike Nginx, we don't limit the body size by default.

    send_timeout: 10s              # timeout for transmitting a response to the client.then the connection is closed
    underscores_in_headers: "on"   # default enables the use of underscores in client request header fields
    real_ip_header: "X-Real-IP"    # http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_realip_module.html#real_ip_header
    real_ip_from:                  # http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_realip_module.html#set_real_ip_from
      - 'unix:'
    #lua_shared_dicts:              # add custom shared cache to nginx.conf
    #  ipc_shared_dict: 100m        # custom shared cache, format: `cache-key: cache-size`

  host:                           # it's possible to define multiple etcd hosts addresses of the same etcd cluster.
    - "http://x.x.x.x:2379"     # multiple etcd address, if your etcd cluster enables TLS, please use https scheme,
                                  # e.g. "".
  prefix: "/apisix"               # apisix configurations prefix
  timeout: 30                     # 30 seconds
  # user: root                    # root username for etcd
  # password: 5tHkHhYkjr6cQY      # root password for etcd
      verify: true                # whether to verify the etcd endpoint certificate when setup a TLS connection to etcd,
                                  # the default value is true, e.g. the certificate will be verified strictly.

# discovery:                          # service discovery center
#   eureka:
#     host:                           # it's possible to define multiple eureka hosts addresses of the same eureka cluster.
#       - ""
#     prefix: "/eureka/"
#     fetch_interval: 30              # default 30s
#     weight: 100                     # default weight for node
#     timeout:
#       connect: 2000                 # default 2000ms
#       send: 2000                    # default 2000ms
#       read: 5000                    # default 5000ms

plugins:                          # plugin list
  #- example-plugin
  - limit-req
  - limit-count
  - limit-conn
  - key-auth
  - basic-auth
  - prometheus
  - node-status
  - jwt-auth
  - zipkin
  - ip-restriction
  - referer-restriction
  - grpc-transcode
  - serverless-pre-function
  - serverless-post-function
  - openid-connect
  - proxy-rewrite
  - redirect
  - response-rewrite
  - fault-injection
  - udp-logger
  - wolf-rbac
  - tcp-logger
  - kafka-logger
  - cors
  - consumer-restriction
  - syslog
  - batch-requests
  - http-logger
  - skywalking
  - echo
  - authz-keycloak
  - uri-blocker
  - request-validation
  - proxy-cache
  - proxy-mirror
  - request-id
  - hmac-auth
  #- api-breaker

  - mqtt-proxy

    interval: 3600    # rotate interval (unit: second)
    max_kept: 168     # max number of log files will be kept
    service_name: APISIX
    service_instance_name: "APISIX Instance Name"
    endpoint_addr: http://xxx.xxx.svc.cluster.local:12800


ziyou434 commented 3 years ago
    - mountPath: /usr/local/apisix/conf/config.yaml
      name: apisix-config-yaml-configmap
      subPath: config.yaml

  - configMap:
      defaultMode: 420
      name: apisix-gw-config.yaml
    name: apisix-config-yaml-configmap
spacewander commented 3 years ago

Should be solved by #2476?

ziyou434 commented 3 years ago

Should be solved by #2476?

So I continue to use config-default.yaml ,waiting for update?

csh995426531 commented 3 years ago

I use docker image version apache/apisix:latest will get this error,when can update image

spacewander commented 3 years ago

We are going to release 2.1 in the next week.

membphis commented 3 years ago

@ziyou434 you can make a try with the 2.1 or latest version.