apache / arrow-nanoarrow

Helpers for Arrow C Data & Arrow C Stream interfaces
Apache License 2.0
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python: upload nightly wheels for testing #427

Closed jorisvandenbossche closed 2 months ago

jorisvandenbossche commented 2 months ago

We already build python wheels every commit on main (plus weekly): https://github.com/apache/arrow-nanoarrow/blob/main/.github/workflows/python-wheels.yaml

It would be nice to upload them to a PyPI index to allow for easier testing, similarly as we do for pyarrow (https://arrow.apache.org/docs/dev/developers/python.html#installing-nightly-packages)

For Arrow, it seems this upload happens through github_upload_gemfury macro: https://github.com/apache/arrow/blob/b842b530d14a752697f4283c33f16f2f293713ff/dev/tasks/macros.jinja#L147-L181

I suppose we can more or less copy this approach, which would require setting up an equivalent of CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_TOKEN secret for this repo.

raulcd commented 2 months ago

I've sent a token to Apache INFRA to add a new secret NANOARROW_GEMFURY_TOKEN for Gemfury. Related JIRA issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-25717