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Add function that converts from parquet statistics `ParquetStatistics` to arrow arrays `ArrayRef` #4328

Open sundy-li opened 1 year ago

sundy-li commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem or challenge? Please describe what you are trying to do.

Describe the solution you'd like

Add util function to convert from ParquetStatistics to ArrayRef

Describe alternatives you've considered

arrow-datafusion has a util trait PruningStatistics that converts RowGroupPruningStatistics into ArrayRef used to prune the blocks.



But the util function like get_min_max_values will convert the statisticsinto datafusion's ScalarValue and convert it back into ArrayRef which seems very redundant because it could be done without datafusion.

So I suggest that arrow-rs could support this trait like arrow2 did

Additional context

alamb commented 1 year ago

This would also help us in IOx (see https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb_iox/issues/7470, per @crepererum )

alamb commented 1 year ago

It would also be aweome to get a similar treatment for Data pages (the so called "page index" values)

Maybe we could add something to the parquet with the arrow featre: https://docs.rs/parquet/41.0.0/parquet/arrow/index.html

That could read the parquet statistics as an ArrayRef

alamb commented 1 year ago

@tustvold notes that the translation from parquet data model to arrow data model is quite tricky -- and he may have time to do this in a week or two

alamb commented 7 months ago

Note we have started refactoring the code in DataFusion into a format that could reasonable be ported upstream (see https://github.com/apache/arrow-datafusion/pull/8294)

alamb commented 2 months ago

@sundy-li I wonder if there is code that handles this feature? I didn't see any obvious PRs


(I still harbor goals of getting this feature into arrow-rs)

opensourcegeek commented 1 month ago

Just wondering if there's anything left to do to address this issue please? If so, I'm happy to pick this up if that's ok.

alamb commented 1 month ago

Just wondering if there's anything left to do to address this issue please? If so, I'm happy to pick this up if that's ok.

That would be amazing -- thank you very much @opensourcegeek

What I think would be idea is an an API in parquet::arrow that looks like this:

/// statistics extracted from `Statistics` as Arrow `ArrayRef`s
/// # Note:
/// If the corresponding `Statistics` is not present, or has no information for 
/// a column, a NULL is present in the  corresponding array entry
pub struct ArrowStatistics {
  /// min values
  min: ArrayRef,
  /// max values
  max: ArrayRef,
  /// Row counts (UInt64Array)
  row_count: ArrayRef,
  /// Null Counts (UInt64Array)
  null_count: ArrayRef,

// (TODO accessors for min/max/row_count/null_count)

/// Extract `ArrowStatistics` from the  parquet [`Statistics`]
pub fn parquet_stats_to_arrow(
    arrow_datatype: &DataType,
    statistics: impl IntoIterator<Item = Option<&Statistics>>
) -> Result<ArrowStatisics> {

(This is similar to the existing API parquet::arrow::parquet_to_arrow_schema)

Note it is this Statistics

There is a version of this code here in DataFusion that could perhaps be` adapted: https://github.com/apache/datafusion/blob/accce9732e26723cab2ffc521edbf5a3fe7460b3/datafusion/core/src/datasource/physical_plan/parquet/statistics.rs#L179-L186


I suggest you add a new top level test binary in https://github.com/apache/arrow-rs/tree/master/parquet/tests called statistics.rs

The tests should look like:

let record_batch = make_batch_with_relevant_datatype();
// write batch/batches to file
// open file / extract stats from metadata
// compare stats

I can help writing these tests

I personally suggest:

  1. Make a PR with the basic API and a few basic types (like Int/UInt and maybe String) and figure out the test pattern (I can definitely help here)
  2. Then we can fill out support for the rest of the types in a follow on PR

cc @tustvold in case you have other ideas

opensourcegeek commented 1 month ago

Thanks @alamb - I'll take a stab tomorrow and see how I get on. I'm new to Parquet so please bear with me.

opensourcegeek commented 1 month ago

I had a chance to go through the code on a high level, thanks @alamb for the pointers, it helped me to get started. What will call this new function please? Just trying to understand the whole flow if that's ok. Thanks

alamb commented 1 month ago

I had a chance to go through the code on a high level, thanks @alamb for the pointers, it helped me to get started. What will call this new function please? Just trying to understand the whole flow if that's ok. Thanks

The major usecase I have initially is to implement the PruningStatistics API in DataFusion which supports pruning(skipping) Row Groups based on a range anaylsis of min/max values, documented here

So for example, given a filter in a query such as a = 5, DataFusion would use the min and max values of a in each row group to determine if there were any rows in that row group that could match

Does that make sense?

opensourcegeek commented 1 month ago

That makes sense - thanks @alamb

pub fn parquet_stats_to_arrow(
    arrow_datatype: &DataType, 
    statistics: impl IntoIterator<Item = Option<&Statistics>> 
) -> Result<ArrowStatisics> {

To implement the above function, I'm just trying to suss out the details now. Below are the questions (probably very basic - apologies) using your a = 5 example,

Sorry, just trying to get an understanding of all the moving parts.

alamb commented 1 month ago

arrow_datatype, this will be as arrow data type => Int64 or the likes?

I was thinking https://docs.rs/arrow/latest/arrow/datatypes/enum.DataType.html

impl IntoIterator<Item = Option<&Statistics>>, will this be Parquet Statistics of all columns in 'current' row group

I think it would be Statistics, where each Statistics represents the values for a single row group.

if that's the case why it's impl IntoIterator and not just Option<&Statistics>?

The idea is to be able to create (efficiently) statistics for multiple row groups at a time -- since each arrow Array has significant overhead, they only make sense when they store multiple values

Sorry, just trying to get an understanding of all the moving parts.

Yeah, I agree this is a complex issue....

opensourcegeek commented 1 month ago

Thanks @alamb - I'll take a closer look tonight

opensourcegeek commented 1 month ago

I think I get the context now, after going through the RowGroupPruningStatistics code in datafusion (relevant code below for future reference) - thanks for that pointer @alamb.

    fn column(&self, name: &str) -> Option<(&ColumnChunkMetaData, &FieldRef)> {
        let (idx, field) = parquet_column(self.parquet_schema, self.arrow_schema, name)?;
        Some((self.row_group_metadata.column(idx), field))

     fn min_values(&self, column: &Column) -> Option<ArrayRef> {
        let (column, field) = self.column(&column.name)?;
        // here we already have mapped the statistics relevant just for the column
        min_statistics(field.data_type(), std::iter::once(column.statistics())).ok()

I was thinking that ParquetStatistics iterator that is getting passed into the function, was for all columns in a row group. That's where I got a bit confused. I'll continue with it, documenting this as it was a light bulb moment for me and may help someone looking into this in the future.

tustvold commented 1 month ago

Sorry I am a bit late to the party here, correctly interpreting the statistics requires more than just Statistics, as there is additional information that specifies things like sort order, truncation, logical types, etc... It is very likely the existing logic in DF is incorrect, which is fine, but we shouldn't commit to an API here that prevents us doing this correctly.

Additionally the API needs to be able to also handle the Page Index which exposes slightly different information from what is encoded in the file metadata.

I don't mean to discourage you, but this is one of the most arcane and subtle areas of parquet and I wonder if it might be worth starting out with something a little simpler as a first contribution? I'd recommend any of the issues marked "good first issue". As it stands this ticket needs extensive research and design work from someone with a good deal of knowledge about parquet, before even getting started on what will likely be pretty complex code. There are still ongoing discussions on parquet-format about correctly interpreting statistics, the standard under-specified a number of key things :sweat_smile:.

alamb commented 1 month ago

In any event I think the discussion on this ticket so far has been helpful.

I was purposely trying to avoid a general purpose "correctly interpret all the possible statistics in parquet" type ticket for precisely the reasons @tustvold mentions about the scope being unclear

If we wait for a complete well understood API I fear it is such a big barrier we will never start.

I personally believe the functionality spelled out on this ticket (for which we have an existing example of use) would be beneficial to create.

However, that being said, maybe it would be better to start by implementing it in DataFusion where the usecase is clear and we don't have to commit to a long term API, and once it looks good we can decide if we should port it upstream

tustvold commented 1 month ago

I will endeavour to pick this ticket up as a matter of priority once I have finished the current non arrow related work that is eating all my available time

opensourcegeek commented 1 month ago

Understood @tustvold - I was looking for something in the parquet sort of area to work on after doing a "good first issue" and landed on this one.

@tustvold / @alamb - I'm happy to leave this alone or if you think it's worth doing what's been proposed in this ticket in DataFusion, I can do that too. I'm easy, thanks both for your feedback.

alamb commented 1 month ago

Given @tustvold 's concerns I think we should not do it in this repo

If you wanted to work in the DataFusion repo to start vectorizing this code (and writing tests for that) I think it is valuable but it may be tricky and require non trivial research

alamb commented 1 month ago

Filed https://github.com/apache/datafusion/issues/10453 for the work in DataFusion and I think I may have recruited @NGA-TRAN to help with that

alamb commented 1 month ago

Here is a proposed API for DataFusion: https://github.com/apache/datafusion/issues/10453#issuecomment-2117733259