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[R] Skip rows after data in CSVReadOptions #30747

Open asfimport opened 2 years ago

asfimport commented 2 years ago

Not sure if this is a bug, but if I open_dataset of a directory containing csv files with a header and a footer, I specify the following convert options to include_missing_columns. The code works fine on files with no header and footer

col_names <- c("col names specified as in 2nd row of file") #ie colnames is known
skip <- 2
file_path <- "path to directory holding various files"

#schema_file <- created using arrow::schema
#schema_df<- created using arrow::schema but with extra columns for the .partition_cols

conv_options <- CsvConvertOptions$create(strings_can_be_null = TRUE, include_missing_columns = TRUE, include_columns = col_names) 

read_options <- arrow:::readr_to_csv_read_options(skip, col_names)

format <- arrow::FileFormat$create(format = "text", schema = schema_file, convert_options = conv_options, read_options  = read_options)
ds <- arrow::open_dataset(sources = file_path, schema = schema_df, partitioning = .partition_cols, format = format)

The dataset gets created, but any further operation on the dataset fail with

Error: Invalid: CSV parse error: Row #7: Expected 41 columns, got 3: T,7,

Reporter: Martin du Toit / @martindut

Related issues:

Note: This issue was originally created as ARROW-15252. Please see the migration documentation for further details.

asfimport commented 2 years ago

Nicola Crane / @thisisnic: Thanks for opening this issue @martindut. I think the problem here is that the CSV reader isn't expecting the footer row and is just treating it as data (and so you get that error as it's expecting as many columns as are in the actual data). The C++ code includes the ability to skip footer rows, but this isn't exposed at the R level (yet).

asfimport commented 2 years ago

Martin du Toit / @martindut: Hi @thisisnic , thanks for getting back to me. 

I also tried it with pyarrow, although not my preferred language, but got the same error. Is it possible with pyarrow, or also not exposed to pyarrow?

asfimport commented 2 years ago

Nicola Crane / @thisisnic: I think it is; the skip_rows_after parameter is mentioned in the docs here: https://arrow.apache.org/docs/python/generated/pyarrow.csv.ReadOptions.html#pyarrow.csv.ReadOptions.

If you share a reproducible example of the Python code you tried, I'll see if I can work out how to connect it up (or shout someone else who knows more about pyarrow!)

asfimport commented 2 years ago

Martin du Toit / @martindut: I actually used reticulate to call the pyarrow functions, not sure if that might be the problem?

pa <- reticulate::import("pyarrow", convert = FALSE)
pyds <- reticulate::import("pyarrow.dataset", convert = FALSE)

skiphead <- 2 # skips header row and column names

fs_conv = pa$csv$ConvertOptions(column_types = schema_file, strings_can_be_null = TRUE, include_missing_columns = TRUE, include_columns = col_names)
fs_pars = pa$csv$ParseOptions(delimiter= delimiter, ignore_empty_lines = TRUE)
fs_read = pa$csv$ReadOptions(skip_rows = skiphead, column_names = col_names)

csv_format = pyds$CsvFileFormat(read_options = fs_read, parse_options = fs_pars, convert_options = fs_conv)

ds = pyds$dataset(source=dl_path, schema = schema_df, format=csv_format, filesystem=fs, partitioning=.partition_cols)
asfimport commented 2 years ago

Nicola Crane / @thisisnic: Sorry @martindut; I just realised that I'd misread the docs entirely there and the parameter is actually called skip_rows_after_names which is to do with skipping rows after columns rather than footers. I don't think the functionality for working with CSVs with footers is implemented at all in Arrow. I can open a ticket to request this functionality though.

asfimport commented 2 years ago

Martin du Toit / @martindut: No problem @thisisnic . The functionality is very important for me, so yes please, can you open a ticket to request this functionality.

asfimport commented 2 years ago

Nicola Crane / @thisisnic: Here it is: ARROW-15254

asfimport commented 2 years ago

Martin du Toit / @martindut: Hi @thisisnic , the other option is to not throw an error, but populate the "missing" columns with null values, so it can be filtered out after reading the dataset. I though that include_missing_columns = TRUE will do the trick, or am I not understanding this flag correctly?

asfimport commented 2 years ago

Nicola Crane / @thisisnic: @martindut Looking at the docs here[1] I don't think it will but could be wrong - what happens when you try to run your code with that parameter set to TRUE?

[1] https://arrow.apache.org/docs/r/reference/CsvReadOptions.html

asfimport commented 2 years ago

Martin du Toit / @martindut: @thisisnic I tried it with parameter set to TRUE, but still giving error. No worries, currently have a workaround, but will be nice to have this in a future release.