Open barracuda156 opened 1 year ago
How are you building the Arrow C++ library? Can you share your full R CMD INSTALL
There is a CMake option to use (or not) rpath, defaults to ON
Sounds like you may want that off? If you're not building Arrow C++ separately from the R package build, you can pass this in by setting the env var EXTRA_CMAKE_FLAGS="-DARROW_INSTALL_NAME_RPATH=OFF"
@nealrichardson Thank you for responding.
We use an external apache-arrow
(there is a port for it), it is desirable not to rebuild same stuff over again, especially heavy one.
CMake setting for arrow
would define lib paths for arrow
, but not for its R package, AFAIU. Forcing CMake not to use rpaths for arrow
(outside R) may have undesirable effects, which I won’t be able to test.
Having that in mind, it appears that the optimal solution would be to deal with rpath on a level of R package. Something has to pull that in, but a quick search through the source files did not point to that. (Standard Macports flags borrowed from R are not to blame: they are always identical, but we don’t get every linked dylib failing to load.)
Ok. may also be relevant for you. If not, there are several other developer guides at that could help, and you can also wade into the configure
script if you need more.
@nealrichardson I have rebuilt arrow
with advised settings (rpath etc.), now I got another load error with R-arrow
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘arrow’ in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...):
unable to load shared object '/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_PPCSnowLeopardPorts_R_R-arrow/R-arrow/work/destroot/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/library/00LOCK-arrow/00new/arrow/libs/':
dlopen(/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_PPCSnowLeopardPorts_R_R-arrow/R-arrow/work/destroot/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/library/00LOCK-arrow/00new/arrow/libs/, 6): Symbol not found: __ZNK5arrow8DataType18ComputeFingerprintB5cxx11Ev
Referenced from: /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_PPCSnowLeopardPorts_R_R-arrow/R-arrow/work/destroot/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/library/00LOCK-arrow/00new/arrow/libs/
Expected in: dynamic lookup
Error: loading failed
Execution halted
may be needed.
UPD. Bingo. Running tests now.
@nealrichardson Well, things aren’t too bad, given it is 10.6 and PPC: 11 tests fails, mostly due to a single silly locale error. Hopefully can be fixed.
@nealrichardson Oddly, on macOS 11/x86_64 another loading error occurs:
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
sh: line 1: 53015 Segmentation fault: 11 R_TESTS= '/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R' --no-save --no-restore --no-echo 2>&1 < '/opt/local/var/macports/build/_Users_runner_work_macports-ports_macports-ports_ports_R_R-arrow/R-arrow/work/.tmp/RtmpJr7boE/fileb7e56efbf75f'
*** caught segfault ***
address 0x1425d8, cause 'memory not mapped'
1: dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...)
2: library.dynam(lib, package, package.lib)
3: loadNamespace(package, lib.loc)
4: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
5: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
6: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
7: tryCatch({ attr(package, "LibPath") <- which.lib.loc ns <- loadNamespace(package, lib.loc) env <- attachNamespace(ns, pos = pos, deps, exclude, include.only)}, error = function(e) { P <- if (!is.null(cc <- conditionCall(e))) paste(" in", deparse(cc)[1L]) else "" msg <- gettextf("package or namespace load failed for %s%s:\n %s", sQuote(package), P, conditionMessage(e)) if (logical.return && !quietly) message(paste("Error:", msg), domain = NA) else stop(msg, call. = FALSE, domain = NA)})
8: library(pkg_name, lib.loc = lib, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE)
9: withCallingHandlers(expr, packageStartupMessage = function(c) tryInvokeRestart("muffleMessage"))
10: suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(pkg_name, lib.loc = lib, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE))
11: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
12: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
13: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
14: tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) { call <- conditionCall(e) if (!is.null(call)) { if (identical(call[[1L]], quote(doTryCatch))) call <- dcall <- deparse(call, nlines = 1L) prefix <- paste("Error in", dcall, ": ") LONG <- 75L sm <- strsplit(conditionMessage(e), "\n")[[1L]] w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "w") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "w") if ( w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "b") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "b") if (w > LONG) prefix <- paste0(prefix, "\n ") } else prefix <- "Error : " msg <- paste0(prefix, conditionMessage(e), "\n") .Internal(seterrmessage(msg[1L])) if (!silent && isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) { cat(msg, file = outFile) .Internal(printDeferredWarnings()) } invisible(structure(msg, class = "try-error", condition = e))})
15: try(suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(pkg_name, lib.loc = lib, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE)))
16: tools:::.test_load_package("arrow", "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_Users_runner_work_macports-ports_macports-ports_ports_R_R-arrow/R-arrow/work/destroot/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/library/00LOCK-arrow/00new")
An irrecoverable exception occurred. R is aborting now ...
ERROR: loading failed
Complete log from buildbot:
Describe the bug, including details regarding any error messages, version, and platform.
I am fixing
packages for Macports, and while I have apparently fixedarrow
itself across macOS versions, I got a problem withR-arrow
. Does anyone know where this rpath sneaks in from?It is not hard to fix this for install (using
and fixing paths manually), however I do not immediately see how to fix it inside running tests, but it is desirable to have tests working.The lib indeed gets this:
What I need is to change this to absolute path, like for other dylibs. But during compilation: since a single command builds the package and runs tests for it, I cannot squeeze in patching via install_name_tool.