1) Python and Go snippets incorrectly end with an example from Java tab: "Now your pipeline can accept --myCustomOption=value as a command-line argument."
2) The page does not show how users can actually access the values of these user-defined options.
cc: [~melap], [~rtnguyen] [~altay]
Imported from Jira BEAM-7007. Original Jira may contain additional context.
Reported by: tvalentyn.
1) Python and Go snippets incorrectly end with an example from Java tab: "Now your pipeline can accept --myCustomOption=value as a command-line argument."
2) The page does not show how users can actually access the values of these user-defined options.
cc: [~melap], [~rtnguyen] [~altay]
Imported from Jira BEAM-7007. Original Jira may contain additional context. Reported by: tvalentyn.