The default limit of a grpc message is set low to 4 MB, and is not overridden in the for the _control_channel. This was first discovered when submitting a beam job via a flink operator orchestrated by kubernetes ( This issue was resolved for apache-beam\==2.18 in BEAM-10334, but exists in apache-beam\==2.22 (and presumably all versions 2.17 onwards).
This can be fixed by modifying the options parameter to allow any size grpc message to be sent or received.
Imported from Jira BEAM-10458. Original Jira may contain additional context.
Reported by: kshivvy.
The default limit of a grpc message is set low to 4 MB, and is not overridden in the for the _control_channel. This was first discovered when submitting a beam job via a flink operator orchestrated by kubernetes ( This issue was resolved for apache-beam\==2.18 in BEAM-10334, but exists in apache-beam\==2.22 (and presumably all versions 2.17 onwards).
This can be fixed by modifying the options parameter to allow any size grpc message to be sent or received.
Imported from Jira BEAM-10458. Original Jira may contain additional context. Reported by: kshivvy.