We are exploring the use of GCP Dataflow alongside Apache Beam Go SDK, so while setuping a pipline that processes event from a pubsub subscription with Dataflow as a runner seems working without issues, but when trying to streamline the local development environment with Pubsub emulator and DirectRunner, we face some issues.
package main
import (
var gcpProject = "project-id"
type BqRow struct {
Date string
Line string
WordCount int
func writeToBQ(s beam.Scope, table string, wordCountLine beam.PCollection) {
bqRows := beam.ParDo(s, func(elem string, count int) BqRow {
return BqRow{Date: time.Now().String(), Line: elem, WordCount: count}
}, wordCountLine)
bigqueryio.Write(s, gcpProject, table, bqRows)
func filterEmptyLines(line string, emit func(string)) {
if len(line) > 0 {
func wordCountLine(line string, emit func(string, int)) {
trimedLine := strings.TrimSpace(line)
words := strings.Split(trimedLine, " ")
emit(line, len(words))
func convertPubsubMsg(msg []byte) string {
return (string)(msg)
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
os.Setenv("local", "true")
if local := os.Getenv("local"); local == "true" {
flag.Set("runner", "DirectRunner")
flag.Set("streaming", "true")
} else {
flag.Set("runner", "dataflow")
flag.Set("project", gcpProject)
flag.Set("region", "region")
flag.Set("staging_location", "gs://stream-words/binaries")
pubsubSubId := "streamWord-sub"
pubsubTopic := "streamWords"
BQDatasetTable := "project-id:streamWords.stats"
//pubsub client
pubClient, err := pubsub.NewClient(ctx, "gcp-project-id")
if err != nil {
defer pubClient.Close()
// Create the Pipeline object and root scope.
pipeline, scope := beam.NewPipelineWithRoot()
// read stream of msg from pubsub
streamWords := pubsubio.Read(scope, gcpProject, pubsubTopic, &pubsubio.ReadOptions{
Subscription: pubsubSubId})
//create fixed windows of 10s
windowedStream := beam.WindowInto(scope, window.NewFixedWindows(time.Second*10), streamWords)
// convert pubsub msg to string
msg := beam.ParDo(scope, convertPubsubMsg, windowedStream)
//filter empty lines
nonEmptyLines := beam.ParDo(scope, filterEmptyLines, msg)
//count words in each line
wordCountLine := beam.ParDo(scope, wordCountLine, nonEmptyLines)
// write to BQ
writeToBQ(scope, table, wordCountLine)
debug.Print(scope, wordCountLine)
// Run the beam pipeline
if err := beamx.Run(ctx, pipeline); err != nil {
log.Exitf(ctx, "Failed to execute job: %v", err)
When running the following pipline with the DirectRunner and PubSub emulator is used, the pipline throws the following error:
What happened?
What happened?
We are exploring the use of GCP Dataflow alongside Apache Beam Go SDK, so while setuping a pipline that processes event from a pubsub subscription with Dataflow as a runner seems working without issues, but when trying to streamline the local development environment with Pubsub emulator and DirectRunner, we face some issues.
When running the following pipline with the DirectRunner and PubSub emulator is used, the pipline throws the following error:
Issue Priority
Priority: 2 (default / most bugs should be filed as P2)
Issue Components