When running a streaming job (with DirectRunner locally and with DataflowRunner on GCP) that uses the apache_beam.io.kafka.ReadFromKafka connector without max_num_records, the job does not process any information and instead gets trapped in an infinite loop of creating consumers that subscribe and get assigned a partition and offset but do not process any information. We are forcing auto.offset.reset = earliest.
We verified that when setting max_num_records the job runs and processes the information correctly both locally and on DataFlow. All of this makes us conclude that this is not a GCP issue but rather a Beam one.
We noticed the infinite loop in the logs and we also noticed that Lenses never reports active members of the consumer group:
We have tried the default Kafka configurations as well as custom ones. I'm just sharing the latest:
| "ReadFromStream" >> apache_beam.io.kafka.ReadFromKafka(
consumer_config={ # Also tested with a single broker
"bootstrap.servers": "kafka-1782273228-1-1908664276.wmt-uscentral.kafka-v2-qarth-reg-stg.ms-df-messaging.prod-wmt-uscentral-4.prod.walmart.com:9092,kafka-1782274279-1-1908664354.wmt-uscentral.kafka-v2-qarth-reg-stg.ms-df-messaging.prod-wmt-uscentral-5.prod.walmart.com:9092,kafka-1782274320-1-1908664432.wmt-uscentral.kafka-v2-qarth-reg-stg.ms-df-messaging.prod-wmt-uscentral-6.prod.walmart.com:9092",
"auto.offset.reset": "earliest",
"fetch.max.bytes": "52428800",
"fetch.min.bytes": "1",
"fetch.max.wait.ms": "1000",
"max.poll.interval.ms": "20000",
"max.poll.records": "10",
"request.timeout.ms": "30000",
"session.timeout.ms": "45000",
"timeout.ms": "10000",
"group.id": "test-group-id",
"heartbeat.interval.ms": "200",
"reconnect.backoff.ms": "100",
"reconnect.backoff.max.ms": "10000",
# max_num_records=1000 # For testing only
This does not seem to be a problem of our Kafka Topic, since custom python clients (that use kafka-python) run successfully with the exact same Kafka configuration.
What happened?
When running a streaming job (with DirectRunner locally and with DataflowRunner on GCP) that uses the apache_beam.io.kafka.ReadFromKafka connector without
, the job does not process any information and instead gets trapped in an infinite loop of creating consumers that subscribe and get assigned a partition and offset but do not process any information. We are forcingauto.offset.reset = earliest
.We verified that when setting
the job runs and processes the information correctly both locally and on DataFlow. All of this makes us conclude that this is not a GCP issue but rather a Beam one.We noticed the infinite loop in the logs and we also noticed that Lenses never reports active members of the consumer group:
We have tried the default Kafka configurations as well as custom ones. I'm just sharing the latest:
This does not seem to be a problem of our Kafka Topic, since custom python clients (that use kafka-python) run successfully with the exact same Kafka configuration.
Beam SDK language: Python Beam SDK version: 2.52.0
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Issue Priority
Priority: 2 (default / most bugs should be filed as P2)
Issue Components