apache / camel-karavan

Apache Camel Karavan a Low-code Data Integration Platform
Apache License 2.0
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Fix numeric field bug: Backspace not removing last value #1314

Closed Praval791 closed 3 weeks ago

Praval791 commented 3 weeks ago

Resolved an issue where the backspace key was not functioning correctly in the numeric input field, preventing users from clearing the field.

Changes Made

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a route
  2. add a kamelet that have the numeric input field.
  3. Enter a numeric value into the field.
  4. Attempt to clear the field using the backspace key.

Expected Behavior

The numeric field should be completely cleared when the backspace key is pressed repeatedly.

Actual Behavior

The last value remains in the field, and the field cannot be emptied using the backspace key.

demo video


mgubaidullin commented 3 weeks ago

@Praval791 thank you for your contribution.

mgubaidullin commented 3 weeks ago

@Praval791, next time, please, avoid mass format like this one

Thank again for your contribution

mgubaidullin commented 3 weeks ago

@Praval791 unfortunately I need to rollback your PR.

Numeric fields in DSL, Kamelets and Components may have explicit Numeric value or a placeholder, ex: {{env:ENV_NAME}}, {{property}}

Praval791 commented 3 weeks ago

@Praval791 unfortunately I need to rollback your PR.

Numeric fields in DSL, Kamelets and Components may have explicit Numeric value or a placeholder, ex: {{env:ENV_NAME}}, {{property}}

Hi @mgubaidullin Thank you for the feedback. I understand that the numeric fields can also contain placeholders (If I got you correctly) and that my initial fix may not have accounted for this properly.

To clarify the issue with a specific example, consider the following YAML configuration:

- route:
    id: route-d9b6
    nodePrefixId: route-7cc
      id: from-03ee
      uri: kamelet:aws-cloudtrail-source
        maxResults: 2
        - to:
            id: to-ec0e
            uri: activemq
              deliveryDelay: "1213"

In this configuration, if you try to remove the maxResults field, you will notice that the backspace key does not allow clearing the value completely but the same thing is working in components. I only got this issue in Kamelets and DSL.

I will work on modifying my fix to ensure that both numeric values and placeholders are handled correctly. To help me better understand the requirements and make the necessary changes, could you please provide an example YAML configuration that includes placeholders? This would greatly assist me in ensuring that my fix covers all use cases.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance.

mgubaidullin commented 3 weeks ago

I have jus copy-pasted code from Component to Kamelets and DSL to support placeholders https://github.com/apache/camel-karavan/commit/25449b1fc4577e012882a176d44f638089456e85