apache / camel-karavan

Apache Camel Karavan a Low-code Data Integration Platform
Apache License 2.0
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Dev Service for MQTT broker #993

Open davsclaus opened 7 months ago

davsclaus commented 7 months ago

We can add a MQTT broker to the known dev services https://github.com/apache/camel-karavan/blob/main/karavan-web/karavan-app/src/main/resources/services/devservices.yaml

This makes it easier to spin up a MQTT broker for development with karavan

There is an example here with a docker compose file we can use as inspiration https://github.com/apache/camel-kamelets-examples/tree/main/jbang/mqtt

davsclaus commented 7 months ago

It may be that artemis can be made to have MQTT enabled on port 1883 (default for MQTT) https://activemq.apache.org/components/artemis/documentation/

Then we can use this instead of Eclipse Mosqito

mgubaidullin commented 7 months ago

Artemis listen all protocols including MQTT on 61616. So it should be already there

davsclaus commented 7 months ago

Yes but 1883 is the most used port for MQTT

61616 is the old port number for ActiveMQ JMS and not well known