apache / camel-quarkus

Apache Camel Quarkus
Apache License 2.0
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Test kudu with the master having authentication enabled #5700

Open jamesnetherton opened 7 months ago

jamesnetherton commented 7 months ago


E.g configure the master with --rpc_authentication=required. It may be tricky as it involves Kerberos.

The main motivation here is for native mode. I am not sure if the kudu-client Kerberos auth will work OOTB. We had issues with Kerberos in native mode for other extensions (Kafka).

JiriOndrusek commented 1 month ago

I spent some time on this task. Here is the summary:

  1. the kerberos harness can not be used, (I was getting sime type of missing kinit)
  2. I used apache kerby as a kerberos server started by test resource. Everything is working as expected

2024-07-22 14:24:07,304 INFO [org.apa.cam.qua.com.kud.it.KuduTestResource] (docker-java-stream--1666742296) STDERR: W20240722 12:24:07.303607 512 heartbeater.cc:625] Failed to heartbeat to kudu-master:7051 (0 consecutive failures): Not authorized: Failed to ping master at kudu-master:7051: Client connection negotiation failed: client connection to Server krbtgt/80BEF488-1DFE-4A95-A33E-0C6EC61477DF@EXAMPLE.COM not found in Kerberos database

You can find my POC in the branch https://github.com/JiriOndrusek/camel-quarkus/tree/kudu-kerby-02 (There is a "workaround" with resolving hosting machine from the docker container, see class IpAddressHelper