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Single Node Environment on Hyper-V Installation Issues (Information Only) #9286

Open r00k135 opened 1 week ago

r00k135 commented 1 week ago

Single Node System



Basic Networking, Single Node System running on Hyper-V, Nested Virtualisation


Windows 11 Pro (23H2) running Hyper-V, CentOs 7 with KVM


I was trying to install a basic system on my home PC for learning Cloudstack and ran into a few issues, I've eventually got it working but thought I would document the solutions here for anyone else with similar problems.


Following the Quick Start Guide from here: http://docs.cloudstack.apache.org/en/

I set-up a new hyper-v VM with the following configuration:

Before booting, I enabled nested virtualisation on the VM, by opening a powershell command prompt as administrator and running the following command:

Set-VMProcessor -VMName <VM Name> -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $true

For the boot iso, I used the centos 7 minimal installer mentioned in the documentation and installed a VM setting the hostname to svr1.cloud.priv (saved messing around with the hostname --fqdn later), so far so good, when I then rebooted after install, the network was not working, I found some instructions here (https://achubbard.com/2018/01/31/centos-7-minimal-installation-hyper-v/) which said that the default setting of (ONBOOT=no) within the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file should be set to:


I then rebooted (or ran "systemctl restart network") and networking was working, when then allowed me to upgrade the OS and install the bridge packages.

One issue not mentioned in the docs is to permit root login over SSH, so edit the file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config and uncomment this line:

PermitRootLogin yes


systemctl restart sshd

Ensure you follow the networking section very carefully, especially about disabling NetworkManager, I didn't do this first time so when restarting networking I was getting an error about "RTNETLINK answers: File exists".

I followed the rest of the guide and ran all the way through quite successfully, I had the 2 System VM's start-up, but when the SSVM (secondarystoragevm) was trying to download the "CentOS 5.5(64-bit) no GUI (KVM)" template, it was coming up with an error about "unable to resolve download.cloudstack.org". This was confusing as logging into the main VM I was able to resolve all fine, after much troubleshooting I was able to determine that the SSVM running under nested virtualisation was the one which couldn't resolve download.cloudstack.org. I was able to connect to the SSVM by using this command as root from the hyper-v VM:

ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.cloud 169.254.x.x -p 3922 

Running an arp command showed it was unable to resolve the PC networks default gateway ( to a MAC address:

arp -an

I eventually found this was a hyper-v security feature which was blocking the VM from MAC Spoofing causing the traffic to be blocked, so back in powershell administrator shell, I ran this command with the VM shutdown:

Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName <VM Name> | Set-VMNetworkAdapter -MacAddressSpoofing On

I then started up the VM and everything was then working fine.

I hope this guide helps someone and I'm now happy to start experiementing with Cloudstack.


Work first time


Worked eventually after some troubleshooting

boring-cyborg[bot] commented 1 week ago

Thanks for opening your first issue here! Be sure to follow the issue template!

sureshanaparti commented 1 week ago

Hi @r00k135 Thanks for letting us know your experience with the installation and sharing these details, might be helpful for the users installing CloudStack on Hyper-V VMs with Nested Virtualisation. I'm not sure if these Hyper-V related, nested virtualisation config details can be added to the CS docs or not (but, will take your inputs and consider if any of these are relevant for the docs). Thanks.