Open horaas opened 3 years ago
Not run android apk with multiple Flavors, when using the command "cordova run android"
the app is expected to run with custom flavors
I have the following configuration
my build-extras.gradle
def outputFileNameGeneral def fileName if (project.hasProperty('projectName')) { fileName = projectName } else { fileName = } def environmentProperties = new Properties() def hascountryProperties = rootProject.file("") def cdvBuildEnvironment def manifest = new XmlSlurper().parse(file(android.sourceSets.main.manifest.srcFile)) if (hascountryProperties.exists()) { environmentProperties.load(new FileInputStream(hascountryProperties)) cdvBuildEnvironment = environmentProperties['cdvBuildEnvironment'] } android { useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy' buildTypes { debug { debuggable true } release { debuggable false } } flavorDimensions "environment" productFlavors { if (cdvBuildEnvironment == "developer") { developer { dimension "environment" buildConfigField "String", "environment", "\"dev\"" } } if (cdvBuildEnvironment == "production") { production { dimension "environment" buildConfigField "String", "environment", "\"prod\"" } } } outputFileNameGeneral = "${fileName}-${cdvBuildEnvironment}-${manifest."@android:versionCode".text()}" setProperty("archivesBaseName", "${outputFileNameGeneral}") } android.applicationVariants.all { variant -> variant.outputs.all { output -> outputFileName = "${outputFileNameGeneral}.apk" } }
my cdvBuildEnvironment=developer or production
cdvBuildEnvironment=developer or production
when using the command "cordova run android" the following result is obtained platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/developer/debug/app-developer-10000.apk
in console Could not find any APKs to deploy
Could not find any APKs to deploy
cordova cli 10.0.0 cordova android 10.1.1 npm 7.13.0 node 14.17.0
cordova cli 10.0.0
cordova android 10.1.1
npm 7.13.0
node 14.17.0
I have the same problem with error : Could not find any APKs to deploy Any suggestion ?
it seems to be related to this but no real solution provided :(
Bug Report
Not run android apk with multiple Flavors, when using the command "cordova run android"
What is expected to happen?
the app is expected to run with custom flavors
What does actually happen?
I have the following configuration
my build-extras.gradle
cdvBuildEnvironment=developer or production
Command or Code
when using the command "cordova run android" the following result is obtained
in console
Could not find any APKs to deploy
Version information
cordova cli 10.0.0
cordova android 10.1.1
npm 7.13.0
node 14.17.0