apache / cordova-android

Apache Cordova Android
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Cordova Android link to Express route fails - Mixed Content error #1672

Closed pcwSlide closed 6 months ago

pcwSlide commented 6 months ago

Hi, I have a simple cordova app with a link to a Express server route with a simple jason return.

This works in the Browser Platform so this should cover the Emulator/Phone setup as well - I have a open cors app and an open context-security header - however both Emulator/Phone don't get to the route - only browser because I assume, the Browser platform loads the index file as http by default- this I can see.

After some extended research adb tells me: "the page at 'https://localhost/index.html' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.""

So the emulator is loading the page as https and this is why the link fails. I have clear text enabled - this always used to work. Why is the emulator/Chrome not not responding to this instruction?

I tried "upgrade-insecure-requests" in content..

Have you guys seen this? I know I should use https - this is not the point.

This has been working for ages but now - I think in the last few months - changed?

Appreciate any help..

pcwSlide commented 6 months ago

ok - so I see this issue around.

Turns out if you use this <content src="http://localhost/index.html" /> in the config.xml file - as well as cleartext - it works. Sadly it breaks the Browser platform.

The cleartext directive used to work..

Question: is this a bug due to a change in Chrome? If so, should code below deal with that issue?

 <platform name="android">
       <edit-config file="app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" mode="merge" target="/manifest/application">
      <application android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" />
breautek commented 6 months ago


This will be required for android because android blocks non-secure connections by default.


After some extended research adb tells me: "the page at 'https://localhost/index.html' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.""

This is describing another security feature, chrome will block non-secure connections if your origin is secure (https). This isn't a bug in chrome, it's intentional.

The "production" solution is to install a valid TLS certificate and host a https server. But if this is a development machine, you might be able to get by using the http scheme.

<preference name="scheme" value="http" />

This should put the android scheme to http. Some browser features does require https scheme however.

pcwSlide commented 6 months ago

Thanks Norman, I accept https is the standard. Just all my material is geared to http so I need a solution now.

<preference name="scheme" value="http" />- so I tried this - but put it in the wrong place - it does work! This is the answer - thanks.

I still feel cleartext should do this job as it used to.

breautek commented 6 months ago

Yah theres multiple levels of security...

The cleartext is the native setting for all native code, which includes the webview.

Then the webview itself have several different security restrictions, some of which are newer