apache / cordova-android

Apache Cordova Android
Apache License 2.0
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Target date for support to API34 #1694

Closed L035568 closed 2 months ago

L035568 commented 2 months ago

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L035568 commented 2 months ago

Some how I couldn't add the subject to issue.

To give a context, I work on a legacy app that uses Cordova and in order to support our future increments, It is quiet important that app runs well on API 34. What could be target date for Cordova to offer support for API34.

breautek commented 2 months ago

Due to the volunteer nature of Apache projects, we cannot give any concrete details on release dates or timelines.

You can subscribe to the cordova blog via it's RSS feed and watch for the Cordova Android 13 release announcement.

Historically, (but not a guarentee) the Cordova community gets together in 1-2 months leading into August to get cordova android release finalised.

https://github.com/apache/cordova-android/pull/1678 is open for review for API 34 support. It will potentially require some breaking changes in your environment (e.g. JDK 17 will be required). Testing and feedback would be appreciated. Details is in the PR.