apache / cordova-android

Apache Cordova Android
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Update docs in regards to using adaptive icons with background colors #1699

Open igorsantos07 opened 1 month ago

igorsantos07 commented 1 month ago

Bug Report

As pointed more than a year ago, docs are telling us to create an inconsistent project state when trying to add a background color to adaptive icons.

At the time, Erisu agreed it was a problem and would update docs, but it haven't happened so far.


This is actually quite bad, since you cannot understand what's going on from console output, not even with --verbose. Since that's all "hidden magic" from Cordova, it should be clearer when something internal can't be found because the related file was probably overridden by you or a plugin.

I'm not sure if cordova prepare solves it once you rename the file, but I solved it by readding the platform. This is not a good experience.

What is expected to happen?

We should be able to follow docs and it should work.

What does actually happen?

This page tells us to override a file that Cordova creates internally, and then it breaks the build horribly in a very early step.


Command or Code

<resource-file src="res/values/colors.xml" target="app/src/main/res/values/colors.xml" />

Version information

cordova-android 12.0.1 cordova cli 12.0.0 (cordova-lib 12.0.1)
