apache / cordova-android

Apache Cordova Android
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backgroundMode plugin quirks #1705

Closed massimilianocom closed 3 weeks ago

massimilianocom commented 3 weeks ago

It really gets crazy here

I create an app with the backgroundMode plugin, everything works perfectly, so much so that I conclude the app and create it with build.

I test the app on various devices and it works on all of them including backgroundMode.

Today I go to the app code and run Android on the emulator and as if by magic the backgroundMode no longer works.

I want to point out that I didn't make any changes to the code, I just added some other graphic icons and emulated the app.

What happened?

massimilianocom commented 3 weeks ago

in the plugin specifications the icon carries this path: platforms/android/res/drawable|mipmap

but in android platforms the path where the icon is located is the following: platforms/android/app/src/main/res/drawable|mipmap

could this be the problem?

But if this is the problem, why did it work for me with the same path before?

jcesarmobile commented 3 weeks ago

You should ask or report the issue on the backgroundMode plugin repository, this is unrelated to cordova-android