apache / cordova-ios

Apache Cordova iOS
Apache License 2.0
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ionic v5 iOS app stuck on Splash Screen - works on android #1026

Closed prabhashibuddhima closed 3 years ago

prabhashibuddhima commented 3 years ago

Bug Report

Trying to build and run my ionic mobile app on ios and the app is getting stuck on Splash Screen.

What is expected to happen?

app should run on the iOS device properly

What does actually happen?

Stuck on Splash Screen

Command or Code

here's my XCode logs.

2020-11-13 21:04:22.980476+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] Apache Cordova native platform version 6.1.0 is starting.
2020-11-13 21:04:22.980827+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] Multi-tasking -> Device: YES, App: YES
2020-11-13 21:04:23.469793+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] CDVWKWebViewEngine: trying to inject XHR polyfill
2020-11-13 21:04:23.481714+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] The preference key "KeyboardResize" is not defined and will default to "TRUE"
2020-11-13 21:04:23.481996+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] The preference key "AutoInjectCordova" is not defined and will default to "FALSE"
2020-11-13 21:04:23.482185+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] The preference key "AudioCanMix" is not defined and will default to "FALSE"
2020-11-13 21:04:23.509558+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] The preference key "WKSuspendInBackground" is not defined and will default to "TRUE"
2020-11-13 21:04:23.509790+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] The preference key "MediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay" is not defined and will default to "TRUE"
2020-11-13 21:04:23.793406+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] WF: === Starting WebFilter logging for process Kiraly Fitness
2020-11-13 21:04:23.793672+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] WF: _userSettingsForUser : (null)
2020-11-13 21:04:23.793887+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] WF: _WebFilterIsActive returning: NO
2020-11-13 21:04:23.909218+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] The preference key "KeyboardAppearanceDark" is not defined and will default to "FALSE"
2020-11-13 21:04:23.909750+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] The preference key "AllowLinkPreview" is not defined and will default to "FALSE"
2020-11-13 21:04:23.912102+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] The preference key "AllowBackForwardNavigationGestures" is not defined and will default to "FALSE"
2020-11-13 21:04:23.912284+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] CDVWKWebViewEngine will reload WKWebView if required on resume
2020-11-13 21:04:23.912457+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] Using Ionic WKWebView
2020-11-13 21:04:23.913324+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] [CDVTimer][console] 0.169992ms
2020-11-13 21:04:23.913740+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] [CDVTimer][handleopenurl] 0.169992ms
2020-11-13 21:04:23.916924+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] Unlimited access to network resources
2020-11-13 21:04:23.917392+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] Unlimited access to network resources
2020-11-13 21:04:23.917626+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] [CDVTimer][intentandnavigationfilter] 3.692985ms
2020-11-13 21:04:23.918000+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] [CDVTimer][gesturehandler] 0.177979ms
2020-11-13 21:04:23.922489+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] [CDVTimer][statusbar] 4.276037ms
2020-11-13 21:04:23.925343+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] [CDVTimer][splashscreen] 2.597094ms
2020-11-13 21:04:23.934488+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] The preference key "KeyboardResize" is not defined and will default to "TRUE"
2020-11-13 21:04:23.934704+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] CDVIonicKeyboard: resize mode 1
2020-11-13 21:04:23.935362+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] The preference key "HideKeyboardFormAccessoryBar" is not defined and will default to "TRUE"
2020-11-13 21:04:23.937372+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] The preference key "KeyboardAppearanceDark" is not defined and will default to "FALSE"
2020-11-13 21:04:23.938561+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] [CDVTimer][cdvionickeyboard] 6.577015ms
2020-11-13 21:04:23.943178+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] [CDVTimer][file] 3.783941ms
2020-11-13 21:04:23.944279+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] [CDVTimer][paypalmobile] 0.138044ms
2020-11-13 21:04:23.950443+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] [CDVTimer][cdvwkwebviewfilexhr] 5.802989ms
2020-11-13 21:04:23.950708+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] [CDVTimer][TotalPluginStartup] 37.629008ms
2020-11-13 21:04:24.086768+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] DidFinishLaunchingWithOptions
2020-11-13 21:04:24.174174+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] app become active
2020-11-13 21:04:24.557624+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] Device FCM Token: dqJks6p7GEgHt-2EczLTFY:APA91bGDsY-7tCz4TGoerUxtqREWNoZW_ZTPcIwUDcn6b0D0AArlJhLjn0thhr1MXSzkL-IB01-TSFcx4F8QPSJfQFQA5GoxdlYtqqrqR22ILEEmnjCRw2zSZIDL_vmTTshY22CQJe5I
2020-11-13 21:04:29.683167+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] Cordova view ready
2020-11-13 21:04:30.094023+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] start Js Event Bridge
2020-11-13 21:04:30.136804+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] FCM: has been created
2020-11-13 21:04:30.137898+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] FCM: Ready!
2020-11-13 21:04:30.138138+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] Ionic Native: deviceready event fired after 3266 ms
2020-11-13 21:04:30.138519+0530 Kiraly Fitness[9007:161922] Ionic Native: deviceready event fired after 3191 ms

Environment, Platform, Device

ionic cordova

Version information

cordova version : 10.0.0 cordova-ios : 6.1.0 iOs: 13.6 (on the device) ionic version: 5


breautek commented 3 years ago

What version of cordova-plugin-splashscreen do you have installed?

prabhashibuddhima commented 3 years ago

What version of cordova-plugin-splashscreen do you have installed?

it's ^5.0.2

"@ionic-native/splash-screen": "^5.0.0", "cordova-plugin-splashscreen": "^5.0.2",

timbru31 commented 3 years ago

Please uninstall the splashscreen plugin if you use cordova-ios@6 - it has been integrated. You should also update to cordova-ios@6.1.1 as it contains important bugfixes.

prabhashibuddhima commented 3 years ago

Please uninstall the splashscreen plugin if you use cordova-ios@6 - it has been integrated. You should also update to cordova-ios@6.1.1 as it contains important bugfixes.

I already tried this and still having the same issue

sylvinrodz commented 3 years ago

an update ??

sylvinrodz commented 3 years ago

I think it happens because of fcm plugin. If I remove fcm plugin my app works fine

bookwarmdev commented 2 years ago

Step 1 : In Xcode, try opening the workspace file (.xcworkspace) instead of the .xcodeproj. This issue is cost by the by the splash screen setup, on will can change that in the config.xml file in two places but in your project file. Step 2: on your project locate config.xml file “AppName/platforms/ios/AppName/config.xml” Step 2: on your project locate config file “AppName/config.xml”

This are what to change: Form:

