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Debugging WebKit #1136

Closed afioletov closed 2 years ago

afioletov commented 2 years ago

Did anybody try to debug WebKit? I'm trying to do it and see why I get "outside of sandbox" error described in #1134.

I followed instructions from this article Xcode attaches to all required processes, but before initial page from bundle is rendered, com.apple.WebKit.WebContnet process fails with EXC_BAD_ACCESS (Code=2).

Was anybody able to successfully debug WebKit with Cordova app? I use Cordova 10 and Cordova-ios 6.2.


sgoldberg-sfdc commented 2 years ago

@afioletov are you able to debug Webkit in a non-Cordova simple WKWebview app? Recently I have seen crashes, even attaching safari debugger to iOS Simulator Debug builds. I believe it works if the app is a release build with symbols.

sgoldberg-sfdc commented 2 years ago

FWIW, when I wrote that article, we were using Cordova.

afioletov commented 2 years ago

Hi Stephen, thank you for response.

I tried to use release build, but got the same error. And I tried to use both debug builds (webkit app) - same result. Do you have link to some non-Cordova simple WKWebview app? I'll try to run it and see if it works in my environment.

afioletov commented 2 years ago

I've just took the first I found in google: https://github.com/mmafrar/swift-ios-wkwebview-demo

Selected app from /Users/admin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/wkwebview-fkbzjlguoomnlmhlhglpctmvqkol/Build/Products/Release-iphonesimulator and got the same issue. So I assume Cordova does not affect it.

sgoldberg-sfdc commented 2 years ago

I was able to debug Webkit with the github sample you linked above without an issue. I am on Xcode 12.5.1 using Simulator iPhone 11(14.5).

Prior to building webkit today I ran ./Tools/Scripts/update-webkit, and then Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --ios-simulator

afioletov commented 2 years ago

Looks like I missed something. The update-webkit fails with error, I'll start from scratch with webkit.

sgoldberg-sfdc commented 2 years ago

Thanks; feel free to ping me directly. Also, if you have updated Xcode since the last time you ran it, you may need to re-run

sudo Tools/Scripts/configure-xcode-for-embedded-development

afioletov commented 2 years ago

Good morning, Stephen.

No luck :( I tried it couple more times, but looks like I still missing something.

I run following commands:

git clone git://git.webkit.org/WebKit.git WebKit 
cd WebKit
sudo Tools/Scripts/configure-xcode-for-embedded-development
Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --ios-simulator

Set the relative paths and select WebKit scheme. It starts but crashes exactly the same way. What hardware do you use? Might M1 creates the issue?

sgoldberg-sfdc commented 2 years ago

I am on an Intel-based iMac, I do not have an M1 machine to test.

Since this issue is occurring on non-Cordova projects as well I recommend closing this issue and we can take this discussion to another forum. Webkit has a Dec Slack you can join as well. webkit.slack.com.

afioletov commented 2 years ago

I created new bug in webkit bugzilla.