apache / cordova-ios

Apache Cordova iOS
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SuppressesLongPressGesture / Suppresses3DTouchGesture preferences not working since iOS 15.1 #1216

Open steodor opened 2 years ago

steodor commented 2 years ago

Bug Report

First of all thank you for your time! ❤️


SuppressesLongPressGesture / Suppresses3DTouchGesture preferences not working since iOS 15.1

What is expected to happen?

The CSS rule user-select: none; is expected to work as designed. On iOS 14.x it does work, disabling the native text selection magnifier on the specified elements, as intended.

What does actually happen?

On iOS 15.1 the CSS rule above is ignored again, so the magnifier pops up.


We tried attaching both touchend and click events to the relevant elements (and more, just to make sure), to no avail.

Our app had this issue initially (a few years back), then we applied Eddy Verbruggen's fix successfully. Then the plugin got integrated into Cordova as the 2 mentioned preferences. We applied those and it worked beautifully, and still works on all iOS versions up to and including 14.x. iOS 15 seems to have broken it again.

Command or Code

  1. Set either one or both preferences (same result regardless) to config.xml in the iOS section:
    <preference name="SuppressesLongPressGesture" value="true" />
    <preference name="Suppresses3DTouchGesture" value="true" />
  2. We have the following CSS (scss below), a bit verbose but does the job:
    * {
    -webkit-touch-callout: none;
    -webkit-user-callout: none;
    -webkit-user-select: none;
    -webkit-user-drag: none;
    -webkit-user-modify: none;
    -webkit-highlight: none;
    -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
    -moz-user-select: none;
    user-select: none;

input, textarea { -moz-user-select: text; -webkit-user-select: text; user-select: text; }

3. Long press empty space or any other element than input/textarea. Magnifier pops up although it shouldn't. iOS 15 only, earlier versions behave normally.

### Environment, Platform, Device
<!-- In what environment, on what platform or on which device are you experiencing the issue? -->
iOS 15.1 (and higher, i imagine)

### Version information
What are relevant versions you are using?
For example:
Cordova: Cordova CLI, Cordova Platforms, Cordova Plugins 
Other Frameworks: Ionic Framework and CLI version
Operating System, Android Studio, Xcode etc.
cordova v.11.0.0
cordova-ios v6.2.0
cordova-cli v1.0.0
...the rest i imagine is irrelevant since the exact same app works perfectly on an iOS 14 device and fails on iOS 15.

## Checklist
<!-- Please check the boxes by putting an x in the [ ] like so: [x] -->

- [x] I searched for existing GitHub issues
- [x] I updated all Cordova tooling to most recent version
- [x] I included all the necessary information above

Thanks again! ❤️ 
dpogue commented 2 years ago

This may have been fixed in upstream WebKit here, but not made it into an iOS release yet

steodor commented 2 years ago

Great find @dpogue, thank you! I guess we'll just wait until either there's enough activity here to attempt an external fix (again), or until that fix gets into iOS, whichever comes first.

dpogue commented 1 year ago

@steodor Are you able to confirm if this is still an issue in iOS 16.5?

steodor commented 1 year ago

Hi @dpogue , i can confirm it's still an issue in iOS 16.3.1. Don't know about 16.5 yet.

tol-uno commented 2 weeks ago

This is still an unresolved issue on iOS 17.4.1

Here is a link to the current SuppressesLongPressGesture / Suppresses3DTouchGesture code