apache / cordova-ios

Apache Cordova iOS
Apache License 2.0
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Blank gray splash screen on iOS 16 #1287

Closed loozmax closed 1 year ago

loozmax commented 1 year ago

Bug Report


When you open the application, instead of a splash screen, a blank gray screen appears.

What is expected to happen?

I'm waiting to see the image

What does actually happen?

Blank gray screen


As a possible solution, I saw that you can roll back the plugin version to 5.0.0 and it really helped, but on iOS 16 the problem reappeared.

Environment, Platform, Device

iOS 16

Version information

cordova-ios: "^5.1.1" cordova-plugin-splashscreen: "5.0.0"


breautek commented 1 year ago

As a possible solution, I saw that you can roll back the plugin version to 5.0.0 and it really helped,

Rollback to 5.0.0 from what version?

If version 6 causes this problem that would be because version 6.x drops iOS code, because cordova-ios@6 implements splash screens in the core platform, making the plugin obsolete. But I see you're still on cordova-ios@5 which will require cordova-plugin-splashscreen@5 for splashscreens.

loozmax commented 1 year ago

As a possible solution, I saw that you can roll back the plugin version to 5.0.0 and it really helped,

Rollback to 5.0.0 from what version?

If version 6 causes this problem that would be because version 6.x drops iOS code, because cordova-ios@6 implements splash screens in the core platform, making the plugin obsolete. But I see you're still on cordova-ios@5 which will require cordova-plugin-splashscreen@5 for splashscreens.

Previously was version 6.0.2

breautek commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your swift response.

In this case, the behaviour would be intentional. Version 6 has no iOS implementatoin for splashscreens, and neither does cordova-ios@5.

So if you plan on staying on cordova-ios@5 then you'll need to continue to use cordova-plugin-splashscreen@5. When you upgrade to cordova-ios@6, the cordova-plugin-splashscreen is no longer relevant for iOS. If you use the browser platform or android@10 and earlier, then you can keep the splashscreen plugin installed for those platforms. Otherwise the plugin is completely obsolete and can be uninstalled.

Closing as not-a-bug.