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Apache Cordova iOS
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one question about CDVAllowList #1291

Open Tang0401 opened 1 year ago

Tang0401 commented 1 year ago

Bug Report


What is expected to happen?

What does actually happen?

NSRegularExpression parts = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:@"^((\|[A-Za-z-]+):/?/?)?(((\\.)?[^/:]+)|\)?(:(\d+))?(/.)?" options:0 error:nil]; Some schemes cannot be adding into allowlist, for example, com.12306, openapp.jdmobile. Is thie regularExpression for scheme ((\*|[A-Za-z-]+)) universial?


Command or Code

Environment, Platform, Device

Version information


erisu commented 3 months ago

IMO, the regular expression is not universal. It is more strict on what is allowed as a scheme.

Looking at O'Reilly - Extracting the Scheme from a URL, they suggest to use the following regular expression for matching URL parts.


Using the above regular expression with following test data:


It would identfy that http, https and org.apache are schemes.

In regards to Cordova, I am not sure why a stricter expression was applied.