apache / cordova-ios

Apache Cordova iOS
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default ios schema changed #1294

Closed profenpoche closed 1 year ago

profenpoche commented 1 year ago


Today our app didn't load when building on ios device.

Looking into dev console, the main files (cordova.js, etc...) didn't load because of url file://cordova.js. Adding scheme and protocol in config.xml to come back to previous values (ionic://localhost/) solved our problem.

Is there any reason to this change ? Did we miss something ?

Thanks in advance

breautek commented 1 year ago

cordova-ios default is to use the file scheme.

cordova-ios will enabled schemes if the following preferences are present

<preference name="scheme" value="app" />
<preference name="hostname" value="localhost" />

If scheme is an illegal value, it will fallback to app.

None of this applies if you're using a webview plugin like cordova-plugin-ionic-webview since it takes responsibility of managing the webview settings.

Cordova has never defaulted to ionic://localhost scheme, but it was the ionic's webview default.

Closing as this doesn't appear to describe a bug with cordova-ios.

profenpoche commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the explanation !

I will look into ionic webview for changes explaining this scheme change.