apache / cordova-ios

Apache Cordova iOS
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(Black screen) when App Reload is triggered on iPhones with Notch: #1393

Open Tarek200 opened 4 months ago

Tarek200 commented 4 months ago

Bug Report

(Black screen) when App Reload is triggered on iPhones with Notch:

We are using the "Construct 3" game engine. Every time the App triggers "Reload" it goes to a black screen. The "Reload" triggers in various ways:

-Switching between Cordova Apps or -Resuming the App while its been for a long period on paused in the background.

Note: This happens only on iPhones that have notch like for example "XS Max"


When the App Reloads it goes to a black screen

Note: Also, I don't think it should force the App to reload while switching Apps as it should just resume from pause to continue from where the App was before was closed.

What is expected to happen?

That it doesn't go to a black screen

What does actually happen?

It goes to a black screen when it forces a Reload


Command or Code

Steps to reproduce the bug: 1-Install my cordoba project with Xcode and Run the App 2-When is fully loaded close the App by swapping the notch 3-Download and Open any of the C3 Cordova Games in the store like (Littel Dog Bob or Punch Golf) 4-Then switching back to my Test App it triggers the Reload and it goes to Black Screen.

Video: https://github.com/apache/cordova/assets/41597700/f450fda6-8d42-4794-ae59-8cde1d4b42eb

Cordova Project: iOS canvas Bug.zip

Environment, Platform, Device

iOS (16 & 17) iPhone XS Max

Other users could reproduce the bug on different iPhone models.

Note: This issue only happens on iPhones that have Notch

Version information

Cordova Platforms iOS Xcode 15.0.1 iOS 7.0.1
