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iOS 13 / Xcode 11 Text Input Errors - Breaks iOS Dictation #682

Closed newlegendmedia closed 4 years ago

newlegendmedia commented 4 years ago

Bug Report

iOS 13 / Xcode 11 Text Input Errors - Breaks iOS Dictation


In the simplest HelloWorld iOS 13 app I can create using latest cordova (v5), an error is logged in Xcode 11 console on each keystroke (see error below). I believe the error is also causing dictation to fail (see error below). As soon as you start speaking, the dictation ends immediately. (dictation is by tapping the iOS 13 keyboard microphone icon to speak text into a field)

This simple app is using the simple HelloWorld app with nothing but a textarea in the body. The textarea has no classes or attributes added. The file includes NO css or js files other than cordova.js

What is expected to happen?

Normal editing and dictation functions.

What does actually happen?

On every keystroke while editing, The following error is logged in the console: "-[UIThreadSafeNode _axResetFKAFocusToFirstResponder]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x281f87820"

Using Dictation, the dictation ends immediately upon speaking - the following error is logged in Xcode console: "Given text range '(null)' we could not find the last hypothesis "W". The likely cause is that something modified the text store or the hypothesis during dictation."


Environment, Platform, Device

Version information


ssmithereens commented 4 years ago

Our app is also encountering this issue.

breautek commented 4 years ago

For future reference, platform specific bugs for ios should be posted under the cordova-ios repo.

pnasser commented 4 years ago

Our app also has this issue

dpogue commented 4 years ago

Are you using UIWebView or WKWebView? Are you seeing this on a device or can you reproduce it in the simulator?

ssmithereens commented 4 years ago

For us, it does not work on UIWebView. We just tried wkwebview and the issue is resolved.

newlegendmedia commented 4 years ago

Fixed when using wkwebview for me as well. Looks like an issue with UIWebView only.

Anuj-logiciel commented 4 years ago

Anybody have a solution how can we get this working with UIWebview because I cannot add WKWebview to my project? Kindly suggest if any success with UIWebview.

iampavanarora commented 4 years ago

I also have same isue in our application i can't move from UIWebview to WKWebview is any quick fix to make chnages in UIWebview?

dimitriadamou commented 4 years ago

Also experiencing this at the moment

ashihminaval commented 4 years ago

We can't use moving from UIWebView to WKWebView as quick fix too. So, does anybody have a solution for that?

wynhou commented 4 years ago

I'm also experiencing this in UIWebView, cannot upgrade to WKWebView right now (WKWebView messes up some things)

dpogue commented 4 years ago

This is an Apple bug that should be reported at https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/

There's probably nothing Cordova can do to resolve this.

JeffBerman commented 4 years ago

Has anyone reported this yet to Apple?

dpeacock commented 4 years ago

I reported it to Apple on Oct 16, 2019 (Reference FB7385596), no response from Apple to date. I think everyone should be reporting this to them so it gets more traction.

Anuj-logiciel commented 4 years ago

Hi @dpeacock - Can You give us link of your reported issue so we can also link that to our follow?

dpeacock commented 4 years ago

@Anuj-logiciel the links for Apple's feedback aren't publicly accessible, you can only view your own reported items. I think the best you'll be able to do is reference my item FB7385596.

JeffBerman commented 4 years ago

FWIW, I also reported it to Apple (FB7510638). Thanks for all the info on this!

Anuj-logiciel commented 4 years ago

Thanks @dpeacock @JeffBerman Your reference codes will help to knock apple to fix the issue by mentioning these codes. Maybe they can take it seriously and fix it.

JeffBerman commented 4 years ago

Since UIWebView is deprecated, do we really think they will fix this, though? I'm more hopeful that the Cordova folks will move forward with getting WKWebView working as well as it can with Cordova.

Roshan6194 commented 3 years ago

Fixed when using wkwebview for me as well. Looks like an issue with UIWebView only.

Hi can you provide me the details of what all changes you did for this dictation breaking in ios. Like I am using cordova 10 and ios6.1.1 which is by default taking wkwebview but dictation is still failing for me. In config.xml i have provided the permission for microphone but its not working.

dimitriadamou commented 3 years ago

Fixed when using wkwebview for me as well. Looks like an issue with UIWebView only.

Hi can you provide me the details of what all changes you did for this dictation breaking in ios. Like I am using cordova 10 and ios6.1.1 which is by default taking wkwebview but dictation is still failing for me. In config.xml i have provided the permission for microphone but its not working.

What version iOS are you testing on? WKWebView seems to have fixed most of those issues for myself with no changes to permissions.

Roshan6194 commented 3 years ago

I am testing on iOS14.3. I tried on various other platform also like 14.2, 13.3 doesnt seem to work on any of them. Thanks, Roshan

On Wed, Mar 3, 2021 at 10:42 AM dimitriadamou notifications@github.com wrote:

Fixed when using wkwebview for me as well. Looks like an issue with UIWebView only.

Hi can you provide me the details of what all changes you did for this dictation breaking in ios. Like I am using cordova 10 and ios6.1.1 which is by default taking wkwebview but dictation is still failing for me. In config.xml i have provided the permission for microphone but its not working.

What version iOS are you testing on?

— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/apache/cordova-ios/issues/682#issuecomment-789436213, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ALQASHGFJEWH4OHBLVTXOUTTBXANRANCNFSM4I52FMNQ .

Roshan6194 commented 3 years ago

Hi Dimitri, Please can you give me details on how to fix this dictation issue, it has become a show stopper for my project. Regards, Roshan

On Wed, Mar 3, 2021 at 12:17 PM roshan jha roshanj4@gmail.com wrote:

I am testing on iOS14.3. I tried on various other platform also like 14.2, 13.3 doesnt seem to work on any of them. Thanks, Roshan

On Wed, Mar 3, 2021 at 10:42 AM dimitriadamou notifications@github.com wrote:

Fixed when using wkwebview for me as well. Looks like an issue with UIWebView only.

Hi can you provide me the details of what all changes you did for this dictation breaking in ios. Like I am using cordova 10 and ios6.1.1 which is by default taking wkwebview but dictation is still failing for me. In config.xml i have provided the permission for microphone but its not working.

What version iOS are you testing on?

— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/apache/cordova-ios/issues/682#issuecomment-789436213, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ALQASHGFJEWH4OHBLVTXOUTTBXANRANCNFSM4I52FMNQ .