apache / cordova-plugin-camera

Apache Cordova Plugin camera
Apache License 2.0
967 stars 1.55k forks source link

[Ionic v4.0.0.0-beta.16] Unable to upload media #421

Closed soumyanildas closed 3 years ago

soumyanildas commented 5 years ago

We are using this cordova plugin with Ionic v4 beta.16 and the following happened while trying to fetch only video from the gallery

Here's the ionic info


   ionic (Ionic CLI)             : 4.2.1
   Ionic Framework               : @ionic/angular 4.0.0-beta.16
   @angular-devkit/build-angular : 0.7.0-rc.3
   @angular-devkit/schematics    : 0.7.0-rc.3
   @angular/cli                  : 7.2.2
   @ionic/angular-toolkit        : not installed


   cordova (Cordova CLI) : 8.0.0
   Cordova Platforms     : android 7.0.0, ios 4.5.5
   Cordova Plugins       : cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard 2.1.3, cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 2.3.1, (and 17 other plugins)


   ios-deploy : 1.9.4
   NodeJS     : v10.10.0 (/usr/local/Cellar/node/10.10.0/bin/node)
   npm        : 6.4.1
   OS         : macOS High Sierra
   Xcode      : Xcode 10.1 Build version 10B61

Attaching a video to demonstrate the issue-


Any help would be appreciated.

janpio commented 5 years ago

Does it work with other Ionic versoins? Are you using the plugin via Ionic Native? If so, what version of the wrapper?

soumyanildas commented 5 years ago

Yes it works with other ionic version. Do note, it works with Ionic 4 as well, and this happened only a few times. Yes we are using the plugin via Ionic native. The version is 4.0.3

jcesarmobile commented 3 years ago

Closing as there is no enough information