apache / cordova-plugin-camera

Apache Cordova Plugin camera
Apache License 2.0
960 stars 1.52k forks source link

(Android) Merge old PR, apply brief mods and update for Android 13 #842

Open zubus opened 9 months ago

zubus commented 9 months ago

Platforms affected


Motivation and Context

Based on https://github.com/jalios/cordova-plugin-camera/commit/bd1dd6a742bafc63591169eb371e39ad63007d97 and https://github.com/dongourdet/cordova-plugin-camera/commit/fa9570399b11af0547fd4ed77892f4c35d383d33

https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-camera/issues/679 https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-camera/issues/660 https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-camera/issues/656



https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-camera/issues/783 Closes https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-camera/issues/679 Closes https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-camera/issues/660 Closes https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-camera/issues/679


This Pull Request updates the previous implementation which aimed to catch RecoverableSecurityException and request permission to delete media from the Media Store. These updates ensure compatibility with the current codebase of the plugin.

In addition to revising the previous implementation, brief modifications were made to extend support for Android 13. These changes have been tested to confirm they are working as expected.

This update aligns the plugin with Android's latest standards, improving its overall reliability and usability across different Android versions. Please, let me know if any changes or additional information are required as we move forward with this Pull Request.


Motorola with Android 10


EYALIN commented 9 months ago

@zubus thank you for your help. it is not compiling because "getimage" is being called with 3 parameters in 2 places instead 2. can you fix it, please?

Nikilu commented 7 months ago

Hi All, When it is expected to merge? Because our app is depended on this merge request so that we can fix the Camera issue for Error code '20'. Unfortunately we cannot use the fork because of some internal policy hence we need the master version.

erisu commented 7 months ago

I am not sure if this PR is valid anymore compared with the current release but they should:

  1. Rebase the PR. There are conflicts and appears that all of these changes already exist in the current release in some form.
  2. Update the description and title to explain exactly what the changes are remaining after the rebase and what it is resolving.
erisu commented 7 months ago

I would also suggest submitting each fix as its own PR. IMO usually a massive PR that fixes many things are ignored.

The current description and title sounds like a collection of changes for various things.