apache / cordova-plugin-camera

Apache Cordova Plugin camera
Apache License 2.0
960 stars 1.52k forks source link

Support for cordova-plugin-camera 7.0 on Capacitor #856

Closed rbenedettix closed 7 months ago

rbenedettix commented 7 months ago

I tried implementing cordova-plugin-camera 7.0 in my Capacitor 5 project directly but it gives me an error like this: Error: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'cordova-plugin-camera'

My import is: import "cordova-plugin-camera"

The import is working and npm install worked perfectly

Also vs code does not gives any problem with interfaces and classes but when i run the build the error shows up.

Thanks in advanced

breautek commented 7 months ago

The "cordova" way of consuming the plugin is to not import anything since the symbols is available through the API standard namespaces, e.g: window.navigator.camera.getPicture(...), as long as it's added via cordova plugin add.

I understand that CapacitorJS uses a build system and it does imports to enable different things, so if there's a problem with that, then it will probably best to ask Capacitor's community.

Closing as not a bug (with the camera plugin)