apache / cordova-plugin-inappbrowser

Apache Cordova InAppBrowser Plugin
Apache License 2.0
1.11k stars 2.14k forks source link

Cookie deleted after app closes #1010

Closed samall76 closed 9 months ago

samall76 commented 9 months ago

Bug Report

The cookie is deleted when the app closes. So I use this method for 4 years and created 40 apps like this. In the beginning some user complained about have to login again. But on my latest app the cookie is deleted (I think) when you completely close the app.

Version information

12.0.0 (cordova-lib@12.0.1) (same problem with version 11.x)


breautek commented 9 months ago

Can you clarify if the issue happens on both android and iOS platform or is this a platform specific issue?

I use this method for 4 years and created 40 apps like this.

The usage of cookies have undergone a lot of scrutiny over the years and both Google and especially Apple has been implementing changes to guarentee more privacy. Sharing a bit more about how you set your cookies (e.g. what does the Set-Cookie header looks like) and whether if you're making cross origin requests might help determine if the issue is actually related to privacy settings.