I can't upload a photo from an on Android >= 12 (works on < 12), while using InAppBrowser
I'm using solution suggested on https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/issues/328 to use camera chooser, if I open, with inAppBrowser, a page with an I can't use the camera to upload the photo, on onActivityResult I see a 0 resultCode and the input remain blank, while an empty file is created.
I've specified all the permission needed
Bug Report
I can't upload a photo from an on Android >= 12 (works on < 12), while using InAppBrowser
I'm using solution suggested on https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/issues/328 to use camera chooser, if I open, with inAppBrowser, a page with an I can't use the camera to upload the photo, on onActivityResult I see a 0 resultCode and the input remain blank, while an empty file is created. I've specified all the permission needed
What is expected to happen?
Input type file should work also with camera on Android >= 12
What does actually happen?
Input type file is empty after taking a photo with camera on Android >= 12
Command or Code
Environment, Platform, Device
Android >= 12
Version information