apache / cordova-plugin-media-capture

Apache Cordova Media Capture Plugin
Apache License 2.0
307 stars 489 forks source link

Are there any VideoCapture Started and VideoCaptureStopped events to subscribe? #253

Closed Saqib92 closed 1 year ago

Saqib92 commented 1 year ago

Are there any VideoCaptureSarted l / VideoCaptureStopped listeners to subscribe so i can call my external API for some extra data? Also is there an option to remove retake button on IOS?

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breautek commented 1 year ago

Are there any VideoCaptureSarted l / VideoCaptureStopped listeners to subscribe so i can call my external API for some extra data?

There is no started / stopped events. There is are success / error callbacks, when is called when a video capture was a success, or if a video capture encountered an error.

See the docs for examples.

Also is there an option to remove retake button on IOS?

No. Cordova doesn't expose any such option. I don't know if any such option exists at the native layer, but as Cordova delegates recording activities to the OS recording app, control over the recording UI is usually pretty limited and will depend on the underlying device's available recording app.

Someone on our Slack (Use this link instead of the one slack.cordova.io link) might be more knowledgeable than I am on this though, if you're willing to fork and make the native adjustments.

Closing because Apache uses GitHub Issues to track issues. If you have further questions, please use the above Slack link to ask our community.