apache / cordova-plugin-media-capture

Apache Cordova Media Capture Plugin
Apache License 2.0
307 stars 489 forks source link

Can anything be done at all about the extremely ugly and awkward audio recording UI on IOS? #268

Open vesper8 opened 1 year ago

vesper8 commented 1 year ago

The UI is so massive and ugly that it kind of makes the feature undesirable. Is there any way to either hide that interface or replace it by a web interface.. or at least have control over the sizing and placement of it?

iadimitriu commented 1 year ago

If you like the following UI, please check this fork: https://github.com/VNabholz/cordova-plugin-media-capture/ audio_ui

erikramalho commented 9 months ago

I'll definitely give it a shot on this fork. The official UI of this plugin is horrible.