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How to use SceneDelegate #333

Closed a51095 closed 1 year ago

a51095 commented 1 year ago

I have a project generated using the Cordova template. I added the IOS platform. I tried to change the appdelegate to scenedelegate. I succeeded. I have used scenedelegate to manage the window and successfully started the app, but it seems to have a problem

1) I changed the didfinishlaunchingwithoptions proxy method in AppDelegate.m to this AppDelegate.m

2) I changed the didfinishlaunchingwithoptions proxy method in CDVAppDelegate.m to this CDVAppDelegate.m

3) I changed the willconnecttosession proxy method in SceneDelegate.m to this SceneDelegate.m

Is it feasible for me to do this? Will it affect the logic of CDVAppDelegate? Can you help me