apache / cordova

Apache Cordova
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Could not find org.apache.cordova:framework:7.0.0 #413

Closed joshstrange closed 10 months ago

joshstrange commented 10 months ago

Bug Report

You can no longer install any version of the cordova framework <10


JFrog has broken it's promise to keep jcenter up "indefinitely".

UPDATE 4/27/2021: We listened to the community and will keep JCenter as a read-only repository indefinitely. Our customers and the community can continue to rely on JCenter as a reliable mirror for Java packages.

They are currently just redirecting to maven central which does not have anything before version 10

What is expected to happen?

Older cordova builds continue to work

What does actually happen?

It's impossible to build older corodva apps and it's currently impossible to even build 7.0.0 (and I assume anything <10) locally as it depends on things only in jcenter


This issue is not for apache/cordova-android to do anything, but rather as a way for the community to find information when they search for this issue in their builds. Also I'd love if anyone has any workaround (other than upgrading, we are investigating that now). I have the .pom and .aar files for 7.0.0 but I'm unable to get them to work (by adding them to the source).

Command or Code


Environment, Platform, Device


Version information



breautek commented 10 months ago

This issue is not for apache/cordova-android to do anything, but rather as a way for the community to find information when they search for this issue in their builds.

I agree... and for this reason I think a better place for this is inside our github discussions, I'll move this there.