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Apache Cordova
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Undefined symbols on Xcode #454

Closed konguele closed 5 months ago

konguele commented 5 months ago

Good Morning,

I created my game in Gdevelop and when I use Cordova and CocoaPods, I get the following error on Xcode. It has the necessary frameworks (at least it has downloaded them correctly) and I see that they are arm64. Could you help me?

Gdevelop version: 5.2.176 Cordova Version: 12.0.0 (Cordova-lib@12.0.1) Cocoapods version: 1.14.3

Thank you very much!

ld: Undefined symbols: _GULIsLoggableLevel, referenced from: -[APMMonitor isLoggableLevel:] in GoogleAppMeasurement[arm64]66 _GULLogBasic, referenced from: -[APMASLLogger logMessage:logTag:messageCode:withLogLevel:] in GoogleAppMeasurement[arm64]11 _GULLogError, referenced from: -[APMPersistentDictionary initWithFileName:] in GoogleAppMeasurement[arm64]223 _APMWriteDictionaryToURL in GoogleAppMeasurement[arm64]223 -[APMUserDefaults synchronize] in GoogleAppMeasurement[arm64]274 _GULLogInfo, referenced from: _44+[UIViewController(APMScreenClassName) load]_block_invoke in GoogleAppMeasurement[arm64]291 GULLogWarning, referenced from: +[APMMeasurement sharedInstance] in GoogleAppMeasurement[arm64]61 -[APMPersistentDictionary objectForKey:] in GoogleAppMeasurement[arm64]223 -[APMPersistentDictionary setObject:forKey:] in GoogleAppMeasurement[arm64]223 -[APMUserDefaults objectForKey:] in GoogleAppMeasurement[arm64]274 -[APMUserDefaults setObject:forKey:] in GoogleAppMeasurement[arm64]274 -[APMUserDefaults synchronize] in GoogleAppMeasurement[arm64]274 44+[UIViewController(APMScreenClassName) load]_block_invoke in GoogleAppMeasurement[arm64]291 ...

jcesarmobile commented 5 months ago

I'm not familiar with Gdevelop, but I've created a couple of apps in their cloud and exported them to build locally and I can't reproduce. Looks like your project is using some google library that my projects don't have, so it's most likely a bug in Gdevelop itself or the plugin they add for google things. If you create an issue on https://github.com/apache/cordova-ios/issues and provide a sample app I can take a look, but closing this one since this repository is mostly for asking questions.