apache / datafusion-comet

Apache DataFusion Comet Spark Accelerator
Apache License 2.0
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Implement Spark-compatible CAST from float/double to integer types #350

Closed andygrove closed 1 week ago

andygrove commented 2 weeks ago

What is the problem the feature request solves?

We currently delegate to DataFusion when casting from floating point to integer types and there are some differences in behavior compared to Spark.

Here is an example test from CometCastSuite:

  test("cast float to int") {
    castTest(generateFloats, DataTypes.IntegerType)

  private def generateFloats(): DataFrame = {
    val r = new Random(0)
    val values = Range(0, dataSize).map(_ => r.nextFloat()) ++ Seq(Float.MaxValue, Float.MinPositiveValue,
      Float.MinValue, Float.NaN, Float.PositiveInfinity, Float.NegativeInfinity, 0.0f, -0.0f)

Here are differences between Spark and Comet output:

== Results ==
!== Spark Answer - 1008 ==     == Comet Answer - 1008 ==
 struct<a:float,converted:int>   struct<a:float,converted:int>
![-3.4028235E38,-2147483648]     [-3.4028235E38,null]
![-Infinity,-2147483648]         [-Infinity,null]

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rohitrastogi commented 2 weeks ago

Can I give this one a try?