apache / datafusion-python

Apache DataFusion Python Bindings
Apache License 2.0
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doc builds are broken #675

Closed Michael-J-Ward closed 1 month ago

Michael-J-Ward commented 1 month ago

@andygrove via Discord:

Documentation publishing to the site is broken, likely because this does not get tested on PR builds

Exception in /home/runner/work/datafusion-python/datafusion-python/docs/source/user-guide/common-operations/functions.rst at block ending on line 104
Specify :okexcept: as an option in the ipython:: block to suppress this message
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[14], line 3
      1 df.select(
      2     f.regexp_match(col('"Name"'), literal("Char")).alias("dragons"),
----> 3     f.regexp_replace(col('"Name"'), literal("saur"), literal("fleur")).alias("flowers")
      4 )

TypeError: regexp_replace() missing 1 required positional argument: 'arg4'


Michael-J-Ward commented 1 month ago

@andygrove, regexp_replace looks like another example where the UDF version has a non-optional argument, the same as we encountered with array_slice: https://github.com/apache/datafusion/issues/10424