apache / datafusion-python

Apache DataFusion Python Bindings
Apache License 2.0
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Supported python versions (drop 3.7 and add 3.12?) #726

Closed Michael-J-Ward closed 1 week ago

Michael-J-Ward commented 3 weeks ago

In upgrading maturin in #725, I noticed that nixos no longer includes python 3.7 in its packages. Hence, I was able to upgrade requirements.txt for 3.10 and 3.11 but left python 3.7 unchanged.

Before getting a docker container setup to update, I'd like to verify that it is actually needed. There doesn't seem to be alignment on the various python versions we use for building and testing.

Summarizing the different versions used in the github actions


Is python 3.7 support "special" for any reason, or can we drop it?

Should we add python 3.12 to the test or conda actions?

Michael-J-Ward commented 3 weeks ago

Additional context:

Python 3.7 is officially in "end-of-life" status. Python 3.8 will reach EOL in 2024-10.
