apache / datafusion-python

Apache DataFusion Python Bindings
Apache License 2.0
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Upgrade datafusion 39 #728

Closed Michael-J-Ward closed 2 weeks ago

Michael-J-Ward commented 2 weeks ago

Which issue does this PR close?

Part of #727 Closes #670 Closes #677 Closes #665

Note: this performs the bulk of the upgrade, but see #727 for things to clean up before releasing.

What changes are included in this PR?

Datafusion, pyo3, and object_store deps are upgraded.

Are there any user-facing changes?

Upstream datafusion continues migrating from built-in functions to UDFs, with the focus now moving to aggregate functions.

pyarrow had a bug in its IntervalDayTime and IntervalMonthDayNano definitions, so if users had hacked around that like we did in our tpch examples, things will change unexpectedly. Refer to #665 for details.