apache / datafusion

Apache DataFusion SQL Query Engine
Apache License 2.0
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Minor: Fix name in ArrayFunctionRewriter, error not panic if `Expr::GetStructField` is planned #10564

Closed alamb closed 1 week ago

alamb commented 2 weeks ago

Which issue does this PR close?


Rationale for this change

While debugging a DataFusion upgrade in InfluxDB the different names for the same thing is making it hard to understand what is going on

What changes are included in this PR?

  1. Change name reported by ArrayFunctionRewriter to be correct
  2. Update error to reflect how these should be rewritten

    Are these changes tested?

Are there any user-facing changes?

alamb commented 1 week ago

@jayzhan211 has a better fix in https://github.com/apache/datafusion/pull/10568