Closed alamb closed 2 months ago
To adapt this for the DataFusion documentation, I recommend using the clickbench dataset and updating the examples.
To get the clickbench dataset in datafusion/benchmarks/data/hits.parquet
, from the root of the datafusion repo do:
cd benchmarks
andrewlamb@Andrews-MacBook-Pro-2:~/Software/datafusion2/benchmarks$ ./ data clickbench_1
DataFusion Benchmark Runner and Data Generator
BENCHMARK: clickbench_1
DATA_DIR: /Users/andrewlamb/Software/datafusion2/benchmarks/data
CARGO_COMMAND: cargo run --release
Checking hits.parquet...... found 14779976446 bytes ... Done
Then you can run datafusion-cli to get plans:
cd datafusion/benchmarks/data
andrewlamb@Andrews-MacBook-Pro-2:~/Software/datafusion2/benchmarks/data$ datafusion-cli
DataFusion CLI v41.0.0
> select count(*) from 'hits.parquet';
| count(*) |
| 99997497 |
1 row(s) fetched.
Elapsed 0.062 seconds.
You can now run explain queries against this file like
> explain select count(*) from 'hits.parquet';
| plan_type | plan |
| logical_plan | Aggregate: groupBy=[[]], aggr=[[count(Int64(1)) AS count(*)]] |
| | TableScan: hits.parquet projection=[] |
| physical_plan | ProjectionExec: expr=[99997497 as count(*)] |
| | PlaceholderRowExec |
| | |
2 row(s) fetched.
Elapsed 0.053 seconds.
Here is a subset of our internal content (thanks @NGA-TRAN who originally wrote this)
A SQL/InfluxQL query in InfluxDB 3.0 is executed based on a query plan
. To see the plan without running the query, add the keyword EXPLAIN
EXPLAIN SELECT city, min_temp, time FROM h2o ORDER BY city ASC, time DESC;
The output will look like
| plan_type | plan |
| logical_plan | Sort: ASC NULLS LAST, h2o.time DESC NULLS FIRST |
| | TableScan: h2o projection=[city, min_temp, time] |
| physical_plan | SortPreservingMergeExec: [city@0 ASC NULLS LAST,time@2 DESC] |
| | UnionExec |
| | SortExec: expr=[city@0 ASC NULLS LAST,time@2 DESC] |
| | ParquetExec: file_groups={...}, projection=[city, min_temp, time] |
| | SortExec: expr=[city@0 ASC NULLS LAST,time@2 DESC] |
| | ParquetExec: file_groups={...}, projection=[city, min_temp, time] |
| | |
Figure 1: A simplified output of an explain
There are two major plans: logical plan and physical plan
Logical Plan: is a plan generated for a specific SQL (or InfluxQL) without the knowledge of the underlying data organization and the cluster configuration. Because InfluxDB 3.0 is built on top of DataFusion, this logical plan is the same as if you use DataFusion with any data format or storage.
Physical Plan: is a plan generated from its corresponding logical plan plus the consideration of the cluster configurations (e.g number of CPUs) and the underlying data organization (e.g number of files, if the files overlap or not, etc). This physical plan is very specfic to your Influx cluster configuration and your data. If you load the same data to different clusters with different cofiguarions, the same query may be generate different query plans. Similarly, the same query on the same cluster at different time can have different plans depending on your data at that time.
Understanding a query plan can help to explain why your query is slow. For example, when the plan shows your query reads many files, it signals you to either add more filter in the query to read less data or to modify your cluster configuration/design to make fewer but larger files. This document focuses on how to read a query plan. How to make a query run faster depends on the reason it is slow and beyond the scope of this document.
A query plan is an upside down tree and we always read from bottom up. The physical plan in Figure 1 in tree format will look like
│ SortPreservingMergeExec │
│ UnionExec │
│ │
┌─────────────────────────┐ ┌─────────────────────────┐
│ SortExec │ │ SortExec │
└─────────────────────────┘ └─────────────────────────┘
▲ ▲
│ │
│ │
┌─────────────────────────┐ ┌─────────────────────────┐
│ ParquetExec │ │ ParquetExec │
└─────────────────────────┘ └─────────────────────────┘
Figure 2: The tree structure of physical plan in Figure 1
Each node in the tree/plan ends with Exec
and is sometimes also called an operator
or ExecutionPlan
where data is processed, transformed and sent up.
First, data in parquet files are read in parallel through the two ParquetExec
, which each outputs a stream of data to its corresponding SortExec
. The SortExc
is responsible for sorting the data in city
ascendingly and time
descendingly. The sorted outputs from the two SortExec
are then unioned by the UnionExec
which is then (sort) merged by the SortPreservingMergeExec
to return the sorted data.
A large query plan may look intimidating but if you follow these steps, you can quickly understand what the plan does.
If you can answer those questions, you will be able to estimate how much work that plan has to do. However, the explain
just shows you the plan without executing it. If you want to know exactly how long a plan and each of its operators take, you need other tools.
explain analyze
to get the explain with runtime addedIf the plan has to read too many files, not all of them will be shown in the explain. To see them, use explain verbose
. Like explain
, explain verbose
does not run the query and thus you won't get runtime. What you get is all information that is cut off from the explain and all intermidiate physical plans IOx querier and DataFusion generate before returning the final physical plan. This is very helpful for debugging to see when an operator is added to or removed from a plan.
Let us delve into an example that covers typical operators as well as IOx specific ones on leadng edge data.
(EXPLAIN clickbench file here)
TODO change this example
EXPLAIN SELECT city, count(1) FROM h2o WHERE time >= to_timestamp(200) AND time < to_timestamp(700) AND state = 'MA' GROUP BY city ORDER BY city ASC;
| plan_type | plan |
| logical_plan | Sort: ASC NULLS LAST |
| | Aggregate: groupBy=[[]], aggr=[[COUNT(Int64(1))]] |
| | TableScan: h2o projection=[city], full_filters=[h2o.time >= TimestampNanosecond(200, None), h2o.time < TimestampNanosecond(700, None), h2o.state = Dictionary(Int32, Utf8("MA"))] |
| physical_plan | SortPreservingMergeExec: [city@0 ASC NULLS LAST] |
| | SortExec: expr=[city@0 ASC NULLS LAST] |
| | AggregateExec: mode=FinalPartitioned, gby=[city@0 as city], aggr=[COUNT(Int64(1))] |
| | CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192 |
| | RepartitionExec: partitioning=Hash([city@0], 4), input_partitions=4 |
| | AggregateExec: mode=Partial, gby=[city@0 as city], aggr=[COUNT(Int64(1))] |
| | RepartitionExec: partitioning=RoundRobinBatch(4), input_partitions=3 |
| | UnionExec |
| | ProjectionExec: expr=[city@0 as city] |
| | CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192 |
| | FilterExec: time@2 >= 200 AND time@2 < 700 AND state@1 = MA |
| | ParquetExec: file_groups={2 groups: [[1/1/b862a7e9b329ee6a418cde191198eaeb1512753f19b87a81def2ae6c3d0ed237/243db601-f3f1-401b-afda-82160d8cc1a8.parquet], [1/1/b862a7e9b329ee6a418cde191198eaeb1512753f19b87a81def2ae6c3d0ed237/f5fb7c7d-16ac-49ba-a811-69578d05843f.parquet]]}, projection=[city, state, time], output_ordering=[state@1 ASC, city@0 ASC, time@2 ASC], predicate=time@5 >= 200 AND time@5 < 700 AND state@4 = MA, pruning_predicate=time_max@0 >= 200 AND time_min@1 < 700 AND state_min@2 <= MA AND MA <= state_max@3 |
| | ProjectionExec: expr=[city@1 as city] |
| | DeduplicateExec: [state@2 ASC,city@1 ASC,time@3 ASC] |
| | SortPreservingMergeExec: [state@2 ASC,city@1 ASC,time@3 ASC,__chunk_order@0 ASC] |
| | UnionExec |
| | SortExec: expr=[state@2 ASC,city@1 ASC,time@3 ASC,__chunk_order@0 ASC] |
| | CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192 |
| | FilterExec: time@3 >= 200 AND time@3 < 700 AND state@2 = MA |
| | RecordBatchesExec: chunks=1, projection=[__chunk_order, city, state, time] |
| | CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192 |
| | FilterExec: time@3 >= 200 AND time@3 < 700 AND state@2 = MA |
| | ParquetExec: file_groups={2 groups: [[1/1/b862a7e9b329ee6a418cde191198eaeb1512753f19b87a81def2ae6c3d0ed237/2cbb3992-4607-494d-82e4-66c480123189.parquet], [1/1/b862a7e9b329ee6a418cde191198eaeb1512753f19b87a81def2ae6c3d0ed237/9255eb7f-2b51-427b-9c9b-926199c85bdf.parquet]]}, projection=[__chunk_order, city, state, time], output_ordering=[state@2 ASC, city@1 ASC, time@3 ASC, __chunk_order@0 ASC], predicate=time@5 >= 200 AND time@5 < 700 AND state@4 = MA, pruning_predicate=time_max@0 >= 200 AND time_min@1 < 700 AND state_min@2 <= MA AND MA <= state_max@3 |
| | |
Figure 3: A typical query plan of leading edge (most recent) data
Let us begin reading bottom up. The bottom or leaf nodes are always either ParquetExec
or RecordBatchExec
. There are 3 of them in this plan and let us go over one by one.
& one RecordBatchesExec
First ParqetExec
| | ParquetExec: file_groups={2 groups: [[1/1/b862a7e9b329ee6a418cde191198eaeb1512753f19b87a81def2ae6c3d0ed237/2cbb3992-4607-494d-82e4-66c480123189.parquet], [1/1/b862a7e9b329ee6a418cde191198eaeb1512753f19b87a81def2ae6c3d0ed237/9255eb7f-2b51-427b-9c9b-926199c85bdf.parquet]]}, projection=[__chunk_order, city, state, time], output_ordering=[state@2 ASC, city@1 ASC, time@3 ASC, __chunk_order@0 ASC], predicate=time@5 >= 200 AND time@5 < 700 AND state@4 = MA, pruning_predicate=time_max@0 >= 200 AND time_min@1 < 700 AND state_min@2 <= MA AND MA <= state_max@3 |
Figure 4: First ParquetExec
includes 2 groups of files. Each group can contain one or many files but, in this example, there is one file in each group. Files in each group are read sequencially but groups will be executed in parallel. So for this example, 2 files will be read in parallel.1/1/b862a7e9b329ee6a418cde191198eaeb1512753f19b87a81def2ae6c3d0ed237/2cbb3992-4607-494d-82e4-66c480123189.parquet
this is the path of the file in S3. It is in the structure namespace_id/table_id/partition_hash_id/uuid_of_the_file.parquet
. They tell you a lot:
projection=[__chunk_order, city, state, time]
: there are many columns in this table but only these 4 columns are read. __chunk_order
is an artifical column the IOx code generates to keep the chunks/files in order for deduplication.output_ordering=[state@2 ASC, city@1 ASC, time@3 ASC, __chunk_order@0 ASC]
: the output of this ParquetExec
will be sorted on state ASC, city ASC, time ASC, __chunk_order ASC
. The reason they are in that order becasue the file is already sorted like that.predicate=time@5 >= 200 AND time@5 < 700 AND state@4 = MA
: filter in the query that will be used for data pruningpruning_predicate=time_max@0 >= 200 AND time_min@1 < 700 AND state_min@2 <= MA AND MA <= state_max@3
: the actual pruning predicate transformed from the predicate above. This is used to filter files outside that predicate. At this time (Dec 2023), we only filter files based on time
. Note that this predicate is for pruning files of the chosen parttions. Before this physical plan is generated, there is a partition pruning
step where partitions are pruned using the predicates on parititoning columns (a near future document about Partitionning data for better query performance
will explain this in detail). RecordbatchesExec
| | RecordBatchesExec: chunks=1, projection=[__chunk_order, city, state, time] |
Figure 5: RecordBacthesExec
Data from ingester can be in many chunks, in this example there is only one. Like ParquetExec
, only data of 4 columns are sent to the output. The action of filtering columns is called projection pushdown
and, thus, it is named projection
Second ParquetExec
| | ParquetExec: file_groups={2 groups: [[1/1/b862a7e9b329ee6a418cde191198eaeb1512753f19b87a81def2ae6c3d0ed237/243db601-f3f1-401b-afda-82160d8cc1a8.parquet], [1/1/b862a7e9b329ee6a418cde191198eaeb1512753f19b87a81def2ae6c3d0ed237/f5fb7c7d-16ac-49ba-a811-69578d05843f.parquet]]}, projection=[city, state, time], output_ordering=[state@1 ASC, city@0 ASC, time@2 ASC], predicate=time@5 >= 200 AND time@5 < 700 AND state@4 = MA, pruning_predicate=time_max@0 >= 200 AND time_min@1 < 700 AND state_min@2 <= MA AND MA <= state_max@3 |
Figure 6: Second ParquetExec
The readings are similar to the one above. Note that these files and the ones in the first ParquetExec
belong to the same (InfluxDB) partition (e.g. the same day)
So the question is why we split parquet files into different ParquetExec while they are in the same partition? There are many reasons but two major ones are:
| | DeduplicateExec: [state@2 ASC,city@1 ASC,time@3 ASC] |
| | SortPreservingMergeExec: [state@2 ASC,city@1 ASC,time@3 ASC,__chunk_order@0 ASC] |
| | UnionExec |
| | SortExec: expr=[state@2 ASC,city@1 ASC,time@3 ASC,__chunk_order@0 ASC] |
| | CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192 |
| | FilterExec: time@3 >= 200 AND time@3 < 700 AND state@2 = MA |
| | RecordBatchesExec: chunks=1, projection=[__chunk_order, city, state, time] |
| | CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192 |
| | FilterExec: time@3 >= 200 AND time@3 < 700 AND state@2 = MA |
| | ParquetExec: file_groups={2 groups: [[1/1/b862a7e9b329ee6a418cde191198eaeb1512753f19b87a81def2ae6c3d0ed237/2cbb3992-4607-494d-82e4-66c480123189.parquet], [1/1/b862a7e9b329ee6a418cde191198eaeb1512753f19b87a81def2ae6c3d0ed237/9255eb7f-2b51-427b-9c9b-926199c85bdf.parquet]]}, projection=[__chunk_order, city, state, time], output_ordering=[state@2 ASC, city@1 ASC, time@3 ASC, __chunk_order@0 ASC], predicate=time@5 >= 200 AND time@5 < 700 AND state@4 = MA, pruning_predicate=time_max@0 >= 200 AND time_min@1 < 700 AND state_min@2 <= MA AND MA <= state_max@3 |
Figure 7: DeduplicationExec
is a signal of overlapped data
This structure tells us that since there are DeduplicationExec
, data underneath it overlaps. More specifically, data in 2 files overlaps or/and overlap with the data from the Ingesters.
FilterExec: time@3 >= 200 AND time@3 < 700 AND state@2 = MA
: This is the place we filter out everything that meets the conditions time@3 >= 200 AND time@3 < 700 AND state@2 = MA
. The pruning before just prune data when possible, it does not guarantee all of them are pruned. We need this filter to do the fully filtering job.CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192
is just a way to group smaller data to larger groups if possible. Refer to DF documentation for how it worksSortExec: expr=[state@2 ASC,city@1 ASC,time@3 ASC,__chunk_order@0 ASC]
: this sorts data on state ASC, city ASC, time ASC, __chunk_order ASC
. Note that this sort operator is only applied on data from ingesters because data from files is already sorted on that order.UnionExec
is simply a place to pull many streams together. It does not merge anything.SortPreservingMergeExec: [state@2 ASC,city@1 ASC,time@3 ASC,__chunk_order@0 ASC]
: this merges the already sorted data. When you see this, you know data below must be sorted. The output data is in one sorted stream.DeduplicateExec: [state@2 ASC,city@1 ASC,time@3 ASC]
: this deduplicated sorted data coming from strictly one input stream. That is why you often see under DeduplicateExec
is SortPreservingMergeExec
but it is not a must. As long as the input to DeduplicateExec
is one sorted stream of data, it will work correctly.| | ProjectionExec: expr=[city@0 as city] |
| | CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192 |
| | FilterExec: time@2 >= 200 AND time@2 < 700 AND state@1 = MA |
| | ParquetExec: file_groups={2 groups: [[1/1/b862a7e9b329ee6a418cde191198eaeb1512753f19b87a81def2ae6c3d0ed237/243db601-f3f1-401b-afda-82160d8cc1a8.parquet], [1/1/b862a7e9b329ee6a418cde191198eaeb1512753f19b87a81def2ae6c3d0ed237/f5fb7c7d-16ac-49ba-a811-69578d05843f.parquet]]}, projection=[city, state, time], output_ordering=[state@1 ASC, city@0 ASC, time@2 ASC], predicate=time@5 >= 200 AND time@5 < 700 AND state@4 = MA, pruning_predicate=time_max@0 >= 200 AND time_min@1 < 700 AND state_min@2 <= MA AND MA <= state_max@3 |
Figure 8: No DeduplicateExec
means files not overlap
Deduplicate is not in this structure and above it means the files here do not overlap
ProjectionExec: expr=[city@0 as city]
: this will filter column data and only send out data of column city
Now let us look at the rest of the plan
| physical_plan | SortPreservingMergeExec: [city@0 ASC NULLS LAST] |
| | SortExec: expr=[city@0 ASC NULLS LAST] |
| | AggregateExec: mode=FinalPartitioned, gby=[city@0 as city], aggr=[COUNT(Int64(1))] |
| | CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192 |
| | RepartitionExec: partitioning=Hash([city@0], 4), input_partitions=4 |
| | AggregateExec: mode=Partial, gby=[city@0 as city], aggr=[COUNT(Int64(1))] |
| | RepartitionExec: partitioning=RoundRobinBatch(4), input_partitions=3 |
| | UnionExec
Figure 9: The rest of the plan structure
: union data streams. Note that the number of output streams is the same is the numner of input streams. The operator above it is responsible to do actual merge or split streams further. This UnionExec is just here as an intermediate steps of the merge/split.RepartitionExec: partitioning=RoundRobinBatch(4), input_partitions=3
: This split 3 input streams into 4 output streams in round-robin fashion. The reason to split is to increase the parallel execution.AggregateExec: mode=Partial, gby=[city@0 as city], aggr=[COUNT(Int64(1))]
: This group data as specified in city, count(1)
. Becasue there are 4 input streams, each stream is aggregated separately and hence the output also 4 streams which means the output data is not fully aggregated and the mode=Partial
signals us that.RepartitionExec: partitioning=Hash([city@0], 4), input_partitions=4
: this repartitions data on hash(city
) into 4 streams which means the same city will go into the same streamAggregateExec: mode=FinalPartitioned, gby=[city@0 as city], aggr=[COUNT(Int64(1))]
: Since rows of same city are in the same stream, we only need to do the final aggregation.SortExec: expr=[city@0 ASC NULLS LAST]
: Sort 4 streams of data each on city
per the query requestSortPreservingMergeExec: [city@0 ASC NULLS LAST]
: (Sort) merge 4 sorted streams to return the final resultsIf you see the plan reads a lof of files and does deduplication on all of them you may want ask: "do all of them overlap or not?" The asnwer is either yes or no depending on the situation. There are other reasons that we deduplicate non-overlap files due to memory limitation but they will be topics for future documentation.
Reading through it now @alamb will let you know if everything sounds good :)
A logical plan is relatively easy to understand, physical plans are definitely hard to understand, because they include the execution detail for exchange-based parallelism
For example, a multi-stage aggregation's physical plan looks like
| | AggregateExec: mode=FinalPartitioned, gby=[city@0 as city], aggr=[COUNT(Int64(1))] |
| | CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192 |
| | RepartitionExec: partitioning=Hash([city@0], 4), input_partitions=4 |
| | AggregateExec: mode=Partial, gby=[city@0 as city], aggr=[COUNT(Int64(1))] |
It appears every executor node has one input and one output In reality, one executor can have multiple instances being spawned according to the partition number, and different executor runtime instance can have one input stream + multiple output stream, one input + one output, etc.
The tricky thing is the data flow in execution is an "expanded" physical plan tree, which should be visualized with some imagination, instead of being a 1-to-1 mapping of the physical plan
I would recommend first explain what is exchange based parallelism with a concrete example (looks like muti-staged parallel aggregation is a good one) Then specify the behavior of different executors (how they split/merge data stream)
InfluxData has internal documentation about how to read an explain plan that we would like to donate to the public docs (both to help others as well as to have help maintaining them)
We have a public-facing version as well:
@alamb I'm currently working on porting the section regarding data organization over:
Example of typical plan of leading edge data
Let us delve into an example that covers typical operators on leading edge data.
Data Organization
(EXPLAIN clickbench file here)
Query and query plan
Can you elaborate on explaining the clickbench file? Should I just write a brief on how data is organized in the parquet file?
Also I'm wondering why on my hardware I'm not seeing a UnionExec for the following plan:
EXPLAIN SELECT "hits.parquet"."OS" AS os, COUNT(1) FROM 'hits.parquet' WHERE to_timestamp("hits.parquet"."EventTime") >= to_timestamp(200) AND to_timestamp("hits.parquet"."EventTime") < to_timestamp(700) AND "hits.parquet"."RegionID" = 839 GROUP BY os ORDER BY os ASC;
I assume its just dependent on the hardware since its part of the physical planner. I'm seeing the following output for this:
| plan_type | plan |
| logical_plan | Sort: os ASC NULLS LAST |
| | Projection: hits.parquet.OS AS os, count(Int64(1)) |
| | Aggregate: groupBy=[[hits.parquet.OS]], aggr=[[count(Int64(1))]] |
| | Projection: hits.parquet.OS |
| | Filter: __common_expr_4 >= TimestampNanosecond(200000000000, None) AND __common_expr_4 < TimestampNanosecond(700000000000, None) AND hits.parquet.RegionID = Int32(839) |
| | Projection: to_timestamp(hits.parquet.EventTime) AS __common_expr_4, hits.parquet.RegionID, hits.parquet.OS |
| | TableScan: hits.parquet projection=[EventTime, RegionID, OS], partial_filters=[to_timestamp(hits.parquet.EventTime) >= TimestampNanosecond(200000000000, None), to_timestamp(hits.parquet.EventTime) < TimestampNanosecond(700000000000, None), hits.parquet.RegionID = Int32(839)] |
| physical_plan | SortPreservingMergeExec: [os@0 ASC NULLS LAST] |
| | SortExec: expr=[os@0 ASC NULLS LAST], preserve_partitioning=[true] |
| | ProjectionExec: expr=[OS@0 as os, count(Int64(1))@1 as count(Int64(1))] |
| | AggregateExec: mode=FinalPartitioned, gby=[OS@0 as OS], aggr=[count(Int64(1))] |
| | CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192 |
| | RepartitionExec: partitioning=Hash([OS@0], 10), input_partitions=10 |
| | AggregateExec: mode=Partial, gby=[OS@0 as OS], aggr=[count(Int64(1))] |
| | ProjectionExec: expr=[OS@2 as OS] |
| | CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192 |
| | FilterExec: __common_expr_4@0 >= 200000000000 AND __common_expr_4@0 < 700000000000 AND RegionID@1 = 839 |
| | ProjectionExec: expr=[to_timestamp(EventTime@0) as __common_expr_4, RegionID@1 as RegionID, OS@2 as OS] |
| | ParquetExec: file_groups={10 groups: [[Users/devan/Documents/OSS/datafusion/benchmarks/data/hits.parquet:0..1477997645], [Users/devan/Documents/OSS/datafusion/benchmarks/data/hits.parquet:1477997645..2955995290], [Users/devan/Documents/OSS/datafusion/benchmarks/data/hits.parquet:2955995290..4433992935], [Users/devan/Documents/OSS/datafusion/benchmarks/data/hits.parquet:4433992935..5911990580], [Users/devan/Documents/OSS/datafusion/benchmarks/data/hits.parquet:5911990580..7389988225], ...]}, projection=[EventTime, RegionID, OS], predicate=to_timestamp(EventTime@4) >= 200000000000 AND to_timestamp(EventTime@4) < 700000000000 AND RegionID@8 = 839, pruning_predicate=CASE WHEN RegionID_null_count@2 = RegionID_row_count@3 THEN false ELSE RegionID_min@0 <= 839 AND 839 <= RegionID_max@1 END, required_guarantees=[RegionID in (839)] |
| | |
Viewing the previous examples I see that when two aggregates are being used i.e. GROUP BY
there is generally a UnionExec step for the physical planner. Why would it be different on my hardware?
Can you elaborate on explaining the clickbench file? Should I just write a brief on how data is organized in the parquet file?
I meant putting in
I assume its just dependent on the hardware since its part of the physical planner. I'm seeing the following output for this:
It is depenent on your hardware, but also the plans for the clickbench queries with just datafusion are going to be different than they are for InfluxDB (as InfluxDB has its own specializations for the physical plan)
If you have a question about what part of the plan means, feel free to leave a TODO
in the text and perhaps I can help fill it out as part of the PR
A logical plan is relatively easy to understand, physical plans are definitely hard to understand, because they include the execution detail for exchange-based parallelism
For example, a multi-stage aggregation's physical plan looks like
| | AggregateExec: mode=FinalPartitioned, gby=[city@0 as city], aggr=[COUNT(Int64(1))] | | | CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192 | | | RepartitionExec: partitioning=Hash([city@0], 4), input_partitions=4 | | | AggregateExec: mode=Partial, gby=[city@0 as city], aggr=[COUNT(Int64(1))] |
It appears every executor node has one input and one output In reality, one executor can have multiple instances being spawned according to the partition number, and different executor runtime instance can have one input stream + multiple output stream, one input + one output, etc.
The tricky thing is the data flow in execution is an "expanded" physical plan tree, which should be visualized with some imagination, instead of being a 1-to-1 mapping of the physical plan
I would recommend first explain what is exchange based parallelism with a concrete example (looks like muti-staged parallel aggregation is a good one) Then specify the behavior of different executors (how they split/merge data stream)
@2010YOUY01 I'm personally not very familiar with exchange based parallelism. Could you point me in the direction of a good paper/resource on the topic. Assuming How Query Engines Work
has a good section on it:
@2010YOUY01 I'm personally not very familiar with exchange based parallelism. Could you point me in the direction of a good paper/resource on the topic. Assuming
How Query Engines Work
has a good section on it:
I think this doc has a really good explanation
If run a query with target_partitions = 2
, the dataflow will look like the figure in that doc
Is your feature request related to a problem or challenge?
command is a key way to understand what DataFusion has done. However, the output format is not well documented which makes understanding what DataFusion is doing harderThe syntax of
is documented here: information on how to interpret what these mean is not available
Describe the solution you'd like
I would like to document how to read an explain plan
Describe alternatives you've considered
I propose adding a new page in the user guide here:
InfluxData has internal documentation about how to read an explain plan that we would like to donate to the public docs (both to help others as well as to have help maintaining them)
Additional context
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